Need help with conv.

Okay, here's what I want to do:

1. Ferazel comes to a rock pillar. Next to the pillar is a grave.

2. The grave will open the pillar if Ferazel gives the grave an offering. (Poppy muffin)

3. Once Ferazel gives it a poppy muffin, It appears in this space that's sort of on display. Ferazel cannot take it.

4. The pillar is opened.

Is it possible for the muffin to appear in that space after the conv. is over? I think there's something about a "validate sprite command"? Help!!

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  • Dr. Strangelove
    "For as long as I can remember, I've had memories."
  • Colin Mochrie, Who's Line is it Anyway?

(This message has been edited by Ice (edited 12-10-2001).)


Originally posted by Ice:
Okay, here's what I want to do:
1. Ferazel comes to a rock pillar. Next to the pillar is a grave.
2. The grave will open the pillar if Ferazel gives the grave an offering. (Poppy muffin)
3. Once Ferazel gives it a poppy muffin, It appears in this space that's sort of on display. Ferazel cannot take it.
4. The pillar is opened.
Is it possible for the muffin to appear in that space after the conv. is over? I think there's something about a "validate sprite command"? Help!!

Short Answer: No.
Long Answer:
Validate Sprite is to destroy the sprite, quite the opposite effect of what you are hoping for. Everything that you want to do is doable except for step 3. However, there is a manner in which you could accomplish this. After Ferazel passes the grave and the pillar place this poppy seed muffin on display later in the level. In the conversation, mention that this muffin will be placed there. Also, make sure that this muffin would not be seen before the conv, because it would always be there. Know what I mean. 😉
You could just say, "Ferazel places the poppy seed mufin next to the grave and it disappears."
You could combine the two.

There are a lot of restrictions to conversations, yet, if your creative you can work around them.

Hope this helps.

Bushes are nice 'cause they don't have prickers -- unless they do. This one did. Ouch! -Ralph Wiggum
Extemporaneous since November 2, 2000
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Originally posted by Emperor Ent:
**Validate Sprite is to destroy the sprite, quite the opposite effect of what you are hoping for. Everything that you want to do is doable except for step 3. However, there is a manner in which you could accomplish this. After Ferazel passes the grave and the pillar place this poppy seed muffin on display later in the level. In the conversation, mention that this muffin will be placed there. Also, make sure that this muffin would not be seen before the conv, because it would always be there. Know what I mean.;)


Wouldn't that mean that you would automatically pick up the popyseed muffin when you went back - you'd have to put it someplace Ferazel can't reach it.

Liz the Wiz:)

There are two rules for ultimate success in life. (1) Never tell everything you know.


Originally posted by Ice:
**Okay, here's what I want to do:

1. Ferazel comes to a rock pillar. Next to the pillar is a grave.

2. The grave will open the pillar if Ferazel gives the grave an offering. (Poppy muffin)

3. Once Ferazel gives it a poppy muffin, It appears in this space that's sort of on display. Ferazel cannot take it.

4. The pillar is opened.

Is it possible for the muffin to appear in that space after the conv. is over? I think there's something about a "validate sprite command"? Help!!

In my opinion:
short answer: yes

long answer: the validate sprite is supposed to make a sprite appear. "Destroy this sprite" makes the conversation object disappear. But I haven't really tested them, so I'm not sure. My levels actually have several instances of this appear command (like Dimbo in the original levels), but I haven't been able to test these parts yet.
Anyway, here are steps if I remember correctly (I'm at school):

1. Make a poppy muffin (but place it where Ferazel can't reach, see Lizwiz's post) and set its Valid field to 99.
2. Make a conversation. Use whatever number the right one is, and place the sprite number in appropriate place.

I have to go but there's a problem: This command supposedly only works on a sprite in another level. So work that into it.

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Ah, the mysterious Dimbo. 🙂

You could place the poppy seed muffin in a display case, then surround it with blank tiles that have been specified as the necessary tiles, thereby making it unreachable.

Bushes are nice 'cause they don't have prickers -- unless they do. This one did. Ouch! -Ralph Wiggum
Extemporaneous since November 2, 2000
Download (url="http://";=Extemporaneous.sit.hqx")Extemporaneous 0.5(/url) for Ferazel's Wand.
Visit the (url="http://"")Extemporaneous Website(/url).

I just figured out something! The action that dimbo uses to make himself appear in river of fears is action 10, not 8! Hmmmmm.....

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here - this is the War Room!"

  • Dr. Strangelove
    "For as long as I can remember, I've had memories."
  • Colin Mochrie, Who's Line is it Anyway?

Just remember, it needs to be on another level. So try this:
Ferazel gives offering to grave, enables (sprite) on other level.
Ferazel has to go to other level and talk to (sprite), which enables poppy muffin back on previous level.

Example: Ferazel has to go to grave and offer muffin. Grave says to talk to priest on level 2. Priest enables muffin.

You get the idea

Visit The Search for Lezaref Website at (url="http://"")
My favorite oxymorons: Jumbo Shrimp, Little Giants, and Microsoft Works!
Hate Microsoft? (url="http://"") (No connection to me)

Why does it have to be on another level?
Just specify the same level

Set sprite # XYZ on level # this level = visible.

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That game said it needed OS Eight or better, but it wouldn't work on Windows NINETY-eight... I wonder why?