How to find cheats

How do I find cheats? In resedit there is a file thingy called cheats in STR#, but I entered some of them and I can't get them to work...

You come along with me and have a good time.The Galaxy's a fun place. You'll need to have this fish in your ear.
'I refuse to prove that I exist,' says God 'for proof denies faith and without faith I am nothing.'
"'But,' says Man, 'the Babel fishis a dead giveaway, isnt it? It could not have evolved by chance. I proves you exist, and therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED."
"'Oh dear'Says God, 'I hadn't thought of that,' and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.


To those who died on 9-11-01 to save others-

And another post bites the dust. =nt=

Madness takes it's toll; Please have exact change.

I will not speak to or acknowledge the mod who locks this topic for a month.

There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.

Ah, but how will you know which one of us did it? 🆒

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

stares at Joveia in an offensive manner.

Well, he did get his answer. Oh well.