im just wondering

is anyone else homosexual or is it just me

Juggolos of the World

You said you were leaving.

Time is the best teacher, yet it kills all of it's students.

YOU, drug lords, are the reason why the Thought Police exists! :mad:

American beer is like sex in a lifeboat. It's f*cking close to water.

  • Slug
    Prostitution is like Bungee Jumping. It's short, it's expensive, and if the rubber breaks you're f*cked. - Me

Just you, go away now.

"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."

Perhaps you would've preferred to call each person on the forums individually and ask them since this seems to be a rather personal question?

If not, I recommend the Isthmus Classifieds. It's the weekly newspaper of Madison, Wisconsin and is quite sucessful with it's male-male and female-female matches through it's Classifieds section.

Is it worth it?


Air head.