slug is a big idiot

On the subject of idiocy, I think that the name 21st Century Drug Lords says it all really, in a rather sad kind of way too!

At least the karma suits the name now. 😄

And as for dodgy pies, try eating anything that ends in the name "-pie" in Liverpool/Birkenhead/UK.
I had a rather tasty Salmonella pie in Lysteria sauce there once..., very memorable it was too!

Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...

Did anyone notice that he started by saying "No hard feelings towards anyone but I really hate Slug"?

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land somewhere and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork "

Hey druglord dude... are you reading this? well if you are, i have a short phrase to say to you.... ICP sucks.. all it is is white boys trying to rap... violent J is a fat ass too. Their fans don't even like them, other wise they wouldn't of had a riot when they were about to reveal the card. well whatever, since i'm not going to be on here too much anymore i figured i'd get on somebody's back. Whoelse better then somebody who posts a topic named..slug is a big idiot..?

Juggaloes of the world

--to form a huge group of white trash thugs.

ramble on..
--Jimmy Page
(*)(1st Class Zacha Admiral and guitar legend throughout the sol system.)

You're right, Drug Lords, I am a big idiot! I mean, who else could score higher than high school students on the SATs in 7th grade, have an IQ of 155, win 2 scholarships from STAR testing, be chosen by Andrew Welch to be a moderator in the first place, other than a big idiot!

You're right! I shouldn't know those passwords any more since I resigned from my divine position; I should be hunted down and brainwiped so I don't know those obsolete and deadly keywords vital to doing absolutely nothing!

And you're right! Everyone should face the facts and admit slug is a fool! After all, he actually pretended to care about you!

So there!

Time is the best teacher, yet it kills all of it's students.

21st Century Drug Lords (didn't I ask for that account to be deleted? I could have sworn I did) -- You strike me as someone who does this for kicks and giggles. In other words, someone stupid.

Slug -- realize that the smartest of people can be idiots. Don't quote scores and other such things when trying to prove you aren't an idiot. (this is in general my own don't think it's cause I'm jealous or anything ;))

Check out Aviary Productions' news and info.
You can find the latest version of Fortress of Die Nacht at:


Originally posted by Slug:
**have an IQ of 155


Only 155 ;)?

There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.

I could probably beat those scores if I cared a flying f*ck about school. 😉

'Is that what I think it is?'
'A big orange swirly thing in space!'

  • Red Dwarf


Originally posted by Talon Karrde:
**I could probably beat those scores if I cared a flying f*ck about school.;)


School doesn't have anything to do with IQ (although school can certainly be affected by it). Hell, I've had tests that said my IQ was 165 (although my guess is that it's about 10 points lower) and I never cared about school either.

The Oracular Net would like to know your favorite color
(url="http://"")=Axis Software Integrated=(/url)

I believe intelligence is divided into different areas, so that being smart in i.e. mathematics doesn't mean you'll be a social, likeable person.

There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.

well if you guys think that IQ has anything to do with how smart you are then you guys well you are wrong cause IQ tests are inaccurate cause once you learn the tricks of IQ tests people can ace them no prob. oh 21st century I think the name of your plug sounds stupid.


I believe, personally, that Intelligence cannot be measured or tested for, or at least until scientists actually figure out what our brain actually is. Is it just there for storing and cross-referencing data to come up with outputs, like a computer, or does it link the body, brain and the soul?

This could very well turn into a theological debate after this comment.

'Is that what I think it is?'
'A big orange swirly thing in space!'

  • Red Dwarf


Originally posted by Joveia:
**I believe intelligence is divided into different areas, so that being smart in i.e. mathematics doesn't mean you'll be a social, likeable person.

Which reflects my situation almost exactly, hence why I use the webboards so much...and I figure I'm not alone.

"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."


Originally posted by 21st Century Drug Lords:
**Let me start off this post with no hard feelings towards any mods or members, but i really hate slug. His "leet haxoring" skills are nothing more than remembering the admin password which he isnt supposed to have since he isnt a mod, yet i havent seen him publically reminded that he isnt a mod and shouldnt use his memory as some kind of advantage. everyone just face the truth and admit that slug is a fool.

If he were really a fool, then nobody would like him. If you were truly correct, then you would see some people here agreeing with you.

Furthermore, I'd like to know what spurred the creation of this.... interesting thread. Somehow I don't see Slug's personality causing someone (you) to make it. Are you mad about something he did, or are you just some random idiot who wanted to get flamed?

hector: Joolzman is only 14, so the truth is that he is nowhere near impotence.
xmattWerk: I would agree that Joolzman is a lamer...
(url="http://"")EV Nova: Thin Ice(/url) | (url="http://"")Tool(/url)

I can't shake the feeling that the good drug lord is merely an alias for someone else.


Intelligence is indeed divided into many areas, according to the latest scientific research. I can't remember the exact areas, though I think there are seven.

A great example of this is, say, Christian Cullen. While you poor Americans might not have heard of him, on the rugby field he's a genius- kicking when needed, passing when needed, taking tackles when needed, dummying, etc. Off the field? Well, off the field he's apparently as dumb as two bricks.

That's obviously two kinds of intelligence.

The same applies in other areas- I know a few girls who, while only passably brilliant in class, can spin a web of subterfuge so thick it's enough to reduce a poor bloke to tears. Hurriedly That's not a personal experience, BTW.

Anyway, there are many types of intelligence, though I guess a lot of people here have mostly the academic type.

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

Whether or not you care about school doesn't even affect your scores in school after a certain point.

It's almost certain that intelligence applies to different areas. Some things couldn't be explained otherwise. But is the Jack-of-all-Trades better or the exclusive genius?

Laguna: I take it he doesn't have a static IP?

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land somewhere and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork "


Originally posted by Pallas Athene:
Laguna: I take it he doesn't have a static IP?


Even if it's a non-static IP, the first two blocks are almost always the same. So, Laguna could see if 21st Century Drug Lords and Eminem are one and the same.

Fortress of Die Nacht: An upcoming game from Aviary Productions.
(url="http://"")Go take a look!(/url)

I doubt it's Eminem. Eminem hasn't really got as much coherency in his posts as Drug Lord's (I admit, he doesn't have much either) and I don't think posting big hate topics like this is Eminem's style. Still, I wouldn't be overly surprised...

There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.

The IP's are completely different. (from a check I did when they both posted on the same day)

Is there any way at all of finding out then?

If you ask me, he could just be a new registeree who came to the Ares boards.

There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.