LVL 12

I'm new to Ares and I'm stuck on level 12! Not exactly stuck but confused!
Even after building the special ship I still find the opposing race overwhelmingly powerfull! Can some one give me a couple of strategies to defeat my enemies!

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It's all a matter of getting the bunker stations and keeping them from getting them.

first off, get the flak drone and nearest bunker station. If you can, trap the carrier while it's neutralising it and get rid of it as well. Next off, capture the other bunker station. If at any time the Cantharans get hold of a bunker station, kill it immediately whatever your forces. Once you have 2 bunker stations, you can win by sheer amount of ships. 3 gunships and about 3 cruisers should be enough to storm their home planet.

On a side note, may I just register how disappointed I am at the number of responses this board is getting of late. Now I know it's not because there's nothing to post about, but people can't be f***ed posting.

Even when I capture the Bunkers and rebuild the special ship they send a wave of ships that crush my forces!

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The only thing I have to add on to CA's response is this: Always have the cruiser or gunship that you're piloting seeking and destroying any AsltTran that you see heading for the bunkers (or even not heading there, just destroy it)

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land somewhere and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork "

Hmm... you must not be building enough ships or something because if you have all the bunkers it should be almost impossible for them to outnumber you.

Out ride the sons of Terra,
Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen,
Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth

If you think this is hard, wait till you see level 15 🙂

Or the more immediate shock, level 13 (Yo Ho Ho)
That's always a nasty one the first time you try, 15 (If 15's Thasero) can be done easily if you just bypass the station.

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land somewhere and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork "