SETR: Multiplayer edition lite released! Hoooorayy!!!

Heya, today's a happy day today. Why? Because I just put in the hard yards and made you all what is possibly the biggest breakthrough for the ares net community since EV:Net. I'm sure there'll be no shortage of players on gr if you ALL go and download, so quit reading this post and go do just that!

Now that you've started the download, let me run you through some basic details of my plug/TC. It has 4 multiplayer levels, Duel Contest, Corporate Rivalry, Halo of Fire, Force of Arms. It has 2 possible multiplayer races, the ESF and Union, each with 7 ship classes.

Duel Contest was made by me as an alternative to Rock, but with some new twisters - there is only one station in the middle and a very short distance between the 2 planets. The station is also defended, and each player starts off in a moderately good capital ship. The resources of the beginning planet is small, extremely small in fact, making gameplay focus more on tight melee battles. Anyone who captures the station will get one heck of an advantage, so grab it while you can, but remember the resources your opponent doesn't use to do so will be his to exploit, probably quite effectively.

Corporate Rivalry is based around scratching post, alot of stations, asteroid belt and plenty of opportunity for competition. The big differences here are easily noticeable, you start off in a assault transport type ship, and you start with practically no resources. The opening stages of the game is a battle to reinforce your newly captured outposts and getting more. The Union has a large advantage here, due to the weapons of the assault destroyer, but the ESF can launch more EVat teams.

Halo of Fire involves a pitch battle between very very very large opposing forces, ESF and Union respectively. Though technically the same size in costs, I think the Union has a slight advantage here.

Force of Arms is a deceptively simple ship vs ship level, with no planets or resources to speak of. For the most part, it involves hovering around your opponent, trying to get that last broadside in before he does. And with fusion rockets, one hit might be your last.

Wow, I hope all that typing didn't go to waste. Reply here with comments, suggestions, praise, flames, insults.. in short, anything to do with SETR, and don't be afraid of voicing your opinion!!!

evnet sucked 🙂

sounds good, ill download it once im on my other computer.

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.

Well, it's released now and yes, it's good.

Very good indeed.


Hey, I just had a trial game with darkk. SETR's last level, force of arms, is more fun than I thought it would be when I made it. One really has to have good aim. We also played level 3; I was wrong. The Union has a HUGE advantage. The best way to fix this is to have player one change to Union - then the fleets are equal. Level 1 does a problem, I think the ESF destroyer is less useful than I thought (considering everyone's going to be building light warships). Level 2 is quite fun, but it can be over too quickly depending on who takes control of the 'hill' of the level.