The problem with the MaG ladder

Lately, I've noticed some ares players that seem to be on all day. These people must play like an obsession! And more often than not, the people I play resort to fighting dirty. Letting my click begin before them, then quickly switching to audemedon, or jealously keeping secrets that used to be one of the only ways to get better (fighting skill and practice are moot points when your opponent plays all day long), strategies used to be shared! Most people that have high ranks (you know who you are) constantly let games open to newbies seeking games, instead of competing with other high-rankers.

And the newbies? In FIVE of my wins, people have force quit gameranger when they lose, and now I know better than to let them play before I know (and check) their name.

Everyone is acting like a total rank whore, and really sucking the fun out of playing ares. Whenever I look for an open game, who do I find? Jimmy Page, eminem, and few people that HAVEN'T mastered the game. I don't play as much as everyone else, so I can hardly win. When I do it's usually a newbie who "doesn't know how" to confirm a game. Or "can't load the page".

It's really getting hard to find practice games, too. I'll bet people like Eminem wouldn't have so many wins if there were more people that were just as good, but how many others here play as much?

Bush-Bash link of the week:
Show your support for the anti-bush lawsuit!

if you need a practice game or something just let me know, i'd be more then willing to play. I figured you didn't need any strats or anything since you've been playing ares long enough though, but if you do just ask me. find me sometime and we can get some practice in. I should be on tommarrow night, if not i'll be on on monday from like 3 to 5.

with regards to all the newbies who don't confirm games and act like irresponible 3 year olds (u know who u r), that is dishonerable if they are playing a mag game. It is also just blatently annoying otherwise. You should let me know their mag name so i can have a talk with them. all of you people who don't confirm games, just remember that i do have the ability to ban accounts..

ramble on..
--Jimmy Page
(*)(1st Class Zacha Admiral and guitar legend throughout the sol system.)

oh and by the way, i am thinking of adding a limit to the amount of MaG games you can play in a single day....

does this sound like a good idea? i need some feedback..
what would be a good amount to limit the games to? 2 sound good?

ramble on..
--Jimmy Page
(*)(1st Class Zacha Admiral and guitar legend throughout the sol system.)

hmmm i think somebody should click my ying yang a couple times, everytime i do it i need a password...what's up with that??? heh

ramble on..
--Jimmy Page
(*)(1st Class Zacha Admiral and guitar legend throughout the sol system.)


Originally posted by Jimmy Page 1:
**hmmm i think somebody should click my ying yang a couple times, everytime i do it i need a password...what's up with that??? heh


Could you explain that a little better?

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

A shame that the games are getting that way. It kinda puts those of us (me) who might actually pick up playing online again from doing so.

Ah well, there's always the board!

Madness takes it's toll; Please have exact change.

I will never join MAG!

BTW, were you referring to me in reference to the many games we played today Madman?

"War? I'd better go and get the washing in!"


Originally posted by Jimmy Page 1:
does this sound like a good idea? i need some feedback..
what would be a good amount to limit the games to? 2 sound good?


I'd go for 3.



Originally posted by Jimmy Page 1:
**does this sound like a good idea? i need some feedback..
what would be a good amount to limit the games to? 2 sound good?

That's reasonable. Its about the amount us honest player can play each day anyway.

Madman, I'm not overly good, but I can put up a decent fight. Also, I confirm every game that I lose, and I'm generally a fair sport. I also tell the people I play beforehand that if they cheat in some way (such as switching races after I start) then I'll just quit and they can find someone else to cheat on. I also prefer the rule "No Auds" when I play, since they are just too cheap.

"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."

Limit the games to 5 a day.

GR Name: Sgt. Patrick(EL)
(url="http://"")Eastlegion HQ(/url)
My upcoming Ares TC:
(url="http://"")Wrath Of The Fallen(/url)

(This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 06-02-2001).)

I say you should only be able to sumbit one win per day, so winning streaks will mean more.

Bush-Bash link of the week:
Santa and Dubya

you know.. most people on the webboards come on GR to talk more than to play, thats just a side effect... and i say 2 games a day, wins or losses.

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.

Then it would be harder to find legit games since you can't play people who have already played 2 games... if they lose a bunch and can still play, there's still an open player.

Bush-Bash link of the week:
Santa and Dubya

I stand by my suggestion, if someone has lost 2 games, then they should be practicing instead of playing MaG games.

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.

I would like to make two suggestions: be careful what limits you put on the ladder, and don't make it complicated. Too many limits and complexity, in my opinion, will quickly kill any ranking system.

Remember, too, that there is no perfect system--players are finding loop-holes even in major online games. If a player disconnects, doesn't practice, whatever, let them continue to play...That's the nature of the monster.

BTW, thanks Patrick for great games...A rematch?

"When Israel cried out to the LORD for help, the LORD raised up a man to rescue them. His name was Ehud...who was left-handed. Ehud made himself a double-edged dagger that was 18" long..." Judges 3:12-30

i suppose one problem with limiting games to 2 per day could involve somebody who works all day and wants to relax on a sunday evening and catch up on some mag games, that he couldn't play all week. When he finds out he can only play 2 i suppose that would be unfair. So i can't really put a limit on games, but i hope all of you do without me having to actually put an official rule up about it.

ramble on..
--Jimmy Page
(*)(1st Class Zacha Admiral and guitar legend throughout the sol system.)

Judge, how about a game this weekend? If you are 9 hours away from CET, then we could play saturday at 8-10pm my time, couldnt we?

PS. MAG members, how many of you have ICQ?

This Vid is a bit like my beast; extremely long, and best enjoyed with a mouthful of nuts.
-Ali G.