when i get on Ares and select new game, all the options except the cancel one are greyed out. Chapter 13 is selcted as the chapter ( which was what i am on ), but the next and previous commands dont work and it wont let me begin mission. Will someone please tell me how to fix this ? I cant play until someone does ( obviously ) and i really want to play.

"Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt"
-Some old wise fellow

As far as I know, there is no way to fix this. Instead of clicking on Ares when you want to play the default scenario files, select 'scenarios' from Ares Data, and drag into the Ares icon like you would a plugin.

"War? I'd better go and get the washing in!"

trash your preferences file

GR Name: Patrick Cavanaugh
The Next Big Thing:
(url="http://"")Wrath Of The Fallen(/url)
Ares TC


Originally posted by Reborn:
**when i get on Ares and select new game, all the options except the cancel one are greyed out. Chapter 13 is selcted as the chapter ( which was what i am on ), but the next and previous commands dont work and it wont let me begin mission. Will someone please tell me how to fix this ? I cant play until someone does ( obviously ) and i really want to play.

This meens that your Prefences are messed up, so you need to trash them and start over.

'89 Macintosh= Windows 98
The Microsoft Corp= A Solitaire Game
--From A Real UE Supporter--The Truth Is Out There.
You know the best is out there, just don't ignore it.


Originally posted by Reborn:
**when i get on Ares and select new game, all the options except the cancel one are greyed out. Chapter 13 is selcted as the chapter ( which was what i am on ), but the next and previous commands dont work and it wont let me begin mission. Will someone please tell me how to fix this ? I cant play until someone does ( obviously ) and i really want to play.

Usually this means you've been switching between versions 1.2 and 1.1.1 (or at least when 1.2 was in beta) and it would screw up your preferences. I'd trash them and start over, and only use 1 version or copy of Ares.

"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."

I have been playing ares since it came out and have beta tested v1.2 and are using the full version now so do what I do:trash your pref file and your copy of ares and download a new copy.

Yeah, that happened to me too. What I did at the time was I made an unaltered plugin using factory data and just played that. Made little difference.

Bush-Bash link of the week:
The W. Dance