This topic serves 4 functions:

To announce a formal ETA (estimated time arrival) of Star's End: The Raiders
To gather opinions on my recently released copy
Will someone please give it a 5?
Rejoice at the rebirth of the boards!

Unfortunately, my email or yahoo email doesn't work for some reason, no doubt an act of God to prevent me from emailing my beta testers the next 10 levels of SETR. I guess this means my beta testers are off the hook. Back to the point. I've calculated that at my current rate, SETR will be out in 24/7/00, or for you people in the US, 7/24/00.

Now, I know that I uploaded it on the add-ons section, yet where are the comments? I am an attention seeker, so this is naturally infuriating. Please post, even to say the graphics are crap.

Now, we all know how people infiltrate the ares rating system with idiotic 1's where they are not wanted. Can I ask people to vote, not as if they were rated it out of 5, but as if they wished to improve or deprove the current rating. i.e. if you saw a plug rated 67, and you wanted it to be 77, then you would rate it a 5, even if you thought it wasn't a 5/5 piece of work.

Now, I'm very happy with the way the boards have come to life with new people. Isn't it nice?

"War? I'd better go and get the washing in!"


Originally posted by Count Altair El Alemein:
Now, I'm very happy with the way the boards have come to life with new people. Isn't it nice?


If I see one more 'Where's Gameranger' topic, I think my head will implode 🙂


(quote)Originally posted by Laguna:
**If I see one more 'Where's Gameranger' topic, I think my head will implode;)

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
those of you that doubt my planetarion skills will soon fear my wrath... when my internets up again...

Don't all reply at once...


Originally posted by Count Altair El Alemein:
**This topic serves 4 functions:

To announce a formal ETA (estimated time arrival) of Star's End: The Raiders
To gather opinions on my recently released copy
Will someone please give it a 5?
Rejoice at the rebirth of the boards!

Unfortunately, my email or yahoo email doesn't work for some reason, no doubt an act of God to prevent me from emailing my beta testers the next 10 levels of SETR. I guess this means my beta testers are off the hook. Back to the point. I've calculated that at my current rate, SETR will be out in 24/7/00, or for you people in the US, 7/24/00.


I've been looking for the final version on the Addons area for hours! Do they delete plugs when they come close to being a year old? I means, if you finished it last year, why isn't it up?


Anyway, Laguna, if your head implodes, could you tape it? It'd be rather interesting to watch, and anonymity on the internet probably matters a lot less when you don't have a head.

What others can travel so far into so many universes yet remain so deeply rooted in their own?
(url="http://"")M:Inv(/url) and the (url="http://"")M:Inv Webboards(/url)


I meant by 2001. You knew that of course. 🙂

(quote)Originally posted by Count Altair El Alemein:

I meant by 2001. You knew that of course. 😉 means.

What others can travel so far into so many universes yet remain so deeply rooted in their own?
(url="http://"")M:Inv(/url) and the (url="http://"")M:Inv Webboards(/url)

I daresay it does. 🙂