Star's End-The Raiders many months was that? 😉

This Vid is a bit like my beast; extremely long, and best enjoyed with a mouthful of nuts.
-Ali G.


Originally posted by Talon Karrde:
** many months was that?;)

hey! dont diss the plug, he makes better graphics than anyone in ASI, graphics take time...

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
those of you that doubt my planetarion skills will soon fear my wrath... when my internets up again...

Yay, I've hit the 2 page mark...
Elsewhere in the world, my plugin is approaching alpha stage, yay!
Karrde, I took a 5-month break.
I've finished level 5... 2 days of work. It has 26 trigger actions, and about 40 initials objects... the time it takes to complete is on average about 13-16 minutes, kills about 20, losses 14-god knows. You can't build... that comes later. BTW, I know I mentioned that my plug was unhackable, but I recently downloaded it (how wretched that felt!) and tried to see if it was. It is. Sorry, I had really wanted it to be a challenge getting to the secret level, and there's an elaborate way to do so. How do you make a plugin unalterable with Hera?

*reverse psychology

(This message has been edited by Count Altair El Alemein (edited 05-16-2001).)

Is it possible to make a plug-in unalterable by hera?

We will not change unless we survive but we will not survive unless we change.


Originally posted by Count Altair El Alemein:
(BHow do you make a plugin unalterable with Hera?

You can't. The only way to hide secret levels is to bury the trigger condition so deep that no one can find it. Slug did this for the Iron Fist secret level by having the Obish Dreadnought, when built, take the player to the secret level. I couldn't find the way to get to the level even after I hacked the plug with Hera.

GR Name: Patrick Cavanaugh
The Next Big Thing:
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