Cheat codes?

Are there cheat codes for Ares? If so, could you please tell them to me?

The dragon awaits no whims but his own...
Doom, gloom, and things that go boom!!
Everyone but the black guy are Voinan's, and the black guy is Emalghion... "(url="http://"")Die Voinan Scum!(/url)"

Search the forums. There are at least 10 other topics on cheating.

The Oracular Net would like to know your favorite color
(url="http://"")=Axis Software Integrated=(/url)

Wow i'd say like every month there's at least 1 new topic on the web boards. If all of you new players want cheat codes just read the old posts. I think we should start closing down any topics about cheat codes from now on.

ramble on..
--Jimmy Page

These ones are good:

Hold down Command-Control-Escape.

Try pushing Command-Control-Option-Power Key.

Hope these help... 🙂

This Vid is a bit like my beast; extremely long, and best enjoyed with a mouthful of nuts.
-Ali G.

Bad Talon, No Biscuit! 😄

Out ride the sons of Terra,
Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen,
Out, far, and onward yet -

Yeah, you don't need to press Control on the second one.

But honestly, (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS...TML/000619.html(/url) (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS...TML/000595.html(/url) (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS...TML/000569.html(/url)
is a list of them just from the two most recent pages!

Try reading...

What others can travel so far into so many universes yet remain so deeply rooted in their own?
(url="http://"")M:Inv(/url) and the (url="http://"")M:Inv Webboards(/url)

Whoops...I was half asleep when I wrote that. :redface:

Command-Option-Escape... 🙂

This Vid is a bit like my beast; extremely long, and best enjoyed with a mouthful of nuts.
-Ali G.

Cheating is Evil! 😉
However, I love Easter Eggs. Are there any in Ares? There's Tons of them in EV.

Chack out my website:(url="http://"") for Ferazel levels,status on my Ares plgin, and more.

yes there are. in the net game or ragular playing u press return and the type in: ==gronk to start the cheating ==fsst to be able to build ships really fast ==lotto to get a ton of money ==gort to hand the contrlos onver to a meachin ==1999 to get somthing like a pay rase (i think) ==1969 something the same as "==1999" and ==drake one that makes u invisable to hostile ships

these can be used on net play too****

if u ever like to play me on Game Ranger cool! my id is Firebird

'89 Macintosh= Windows 98
The Microsoft Corp= A Solitaire Game
--From A Real UE Supporter--The Truth Is Out There.
You know the best is out there, just don't ignore it.

You may not realize that those are "cheats"...

I think that when you put the date to Nathan Lamont's birthday, it shows "Happy Birthday Nate," but I can't remember what his birthday is.

What others can travel so far into so many universes yet remain so deeply rooted in their own?
(url="http://"")M:Inv(/url) and the (url="http://"")M:Inv Webboards(/url)

do you have to put the == before the cheat, or did you put that so we know it's the cheat code

Ultimate Rebel-Rebel General who led the Confederates' Demise


Originally posted by Ultimate Rebel:
**do you have to put the == before the cheat, or did you put that so we know it's the cheat code


It is conceivable that information could be found by a quick experiment.

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy


Originally posted by Sundered Angel:
**It is conceivable that information could be found by a quick experiment.


well i'm lazy!! so there :p!

I try to think but nothing happens!- Ultimate Rebel

Yes, you must type == before each message. And ==1999 will increasee the rate you get resources, and ==1969 will decrease the rate. You don't have to type in anything to start cheating either, just start typing codes.

We will not change unless we survive but we will not survive unless we change.


Originally posted by Talon Karrde:
**Whoops...I was half asleep when I wrote that.:redface:

Command-Option-Escape... 🙂


that's force-quit.

I try to think but nothing happens!- Ultimate Rebel


Originally posted by Ultimate Rebel:
**that's force-quit.

No! Really?! looks shocked :rolleyes:

Maybe your sig IS true... 😛

This Vid is a bit like my beast; extremely long, and best enjoyed with a mouthful of nuts.
-Ali G.


Originally posted by Jimmy Page 1:
**Wow i'd say like every month there's at least 1 new topic on the web boards. If all of you new players want cheat codes just read the old posts. I think we should start closing down any topics about cheat codes from now on.

Yeah, it's getting old.

Do I talk too much?
Do I ask too many questions?
I wonder...


Originally posted by MikeMTL:
**Yeah, it's getting old.



Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy