Error -192

I tried using hera, but I got an error message, -192. How do I fix it? What does it mean? AHHHHHHHHH!

"D*** The torpedoes... FULL SPEED AHEAD!'
Admiral David Glasgow Farragut, Battle of Moblie Bay.

There is no directory for negative error messages, there is just way too many of them, so nobody knows what it means. As far as how to fix it, try downloading a new copy. If that doesn't work, try trashing the preferences folder (if there is one). Sorry I couldn't be more help.

We will not change unless we survive but we will not survive unless we change.

Hera requires a computer with a PowerPC processor(601, 603, 604, G3, G4)
a -192 means that you are trying to run it on a computer with a 68k processor(68000, 68020, 68030, 680LC40, 68040)

GR Name: Patrick Cavanaugh

-192 is the universal message for any program telling you that it requires a PowerPC.

Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!

Man, I feel really dumb among all these smart people.

We will not change unless we survive but we will not survive unless we change.

I second that... :rolleyes:

This Vid is a bit like my beast; extremely long, and best enjoyed with a mouthful of nuts.
-Ali G.

Anybody have a nice power PC emulator?

"D*** The torpedoes... FULL SPEED AHEAD!'
Admiral David Glasgow Farragut, Battle of Moblie Bay.


Originally posted by crk111:
**Anybody have a nice power PC emulator?


They don't exist.

GR Name: Patrick Cavanaugh

This sucks really bad.

"D*** The torpedoes... FULL SPEED AHEAD!'
Admiral David Glasgow Farragut, Battle of Moblie Bay.