some info please

I was just wondering what is the general size for some ships and then I thought that would be probly hard to say because sometimes differnt races have differnt sizes of ships, and I thought that probobly all the races maned(Amount of Crew) there ships basicaly the same so I was just wondering what is the Crew Conpasity(Amount) for the following ship:

Fighters(One or Two?)
Transports(The whole thing not just the Crew but all the Troops on it too)
Assalut Transports(Same as the Transport)
Heavy Cruisers
Defence Drones
Engineering Pod(None right cause their Bots?)
Heavy Destoryers
Space Stations(Maybe how big they are too because that would be generaly the same)
(And last but not least ) Gateships
Is the Gate ship bigger then the Planet because it looks very large!

I would also like to know how big a singal Audemedon is becuase I think I herd that they are very big but I just would like to know(Meteres)

I would also like to know how big one of those Space Blobs are, the Little Spawn and the Big thing.

And also what kind of Leaders is the Leaders of these ships? For example do you have to Be an admeral to Rule over an Heavy Destroyer and a Carrier.

Also how many of these ships do they have? Does the Cantharan have Like 80 Carriers or 800.(Maybe 8000) So just how many of these ships each race has.
Heavy Crusiers
Heavy Destroyers

And what was the Bigest Empire after the Earth was Liberated, where the Cantharans still the biggest?

I would also like to know what systems of Government each of them has.(For Example does the Salrilian have one Empiror or is it a bunch of Phrofits?)Also on the Government is there An agrement or a Group like the United Nations(The United Stars)?

I know this is a lot of information, but I hope to get it all answeared, It would help me (And maybe others) understand the Ares Universe more.

"Its imposible"
Time till impact:Never