The Intergalactic Ares League

What ever happened to the Intergalactic Ares League I have visited there webpage and e-mailed them and gotton no response. I would be very interested in joining a revival of the league and I think it would be a boon to the number of network games played in Ares. If you are interested there is a link to the webpage in the links section of the ares page. If anyone knows how I can reach one of the organizers please post it here. if anyone ese is interested in joining the league post a message in their forum on there webpage, we can corespond from there.

Cowards die many times before their deaths,
The valiant never taste of death but once.
Julius Caesar


(url="http://"") is the url of their web site. I think that not enough teams signed up last time, I don't know.

Cowards die many times before their deaths,
The valiant never taste of death but once.
Julius Caesar

(This message has been edited by Canth (edited 03-20-2001).)

Come on isn't anyone interested in a little organized competition?

Cowards die many times before their deaths,
The valiant never taste of death but once.
Julius Caesar

Heh. I would, but only from the 26th onward... 😄

This Vid is a bit like my beast; extremely long, and best enjoyed with a mouthful of nuts.
-Ali G.

Well maybe we could get it set up in a few weeks, if we can find enough people. I have enough to make one team (Me a player and an alternate). If we could muster up a couple more then maybe we could get some kind of competition going which would draw others. It would be great fun. Talon if you can get a team together we can try it out. You need two players and an alternate. One of them is the team captain the other is the player and the alternate plays when the other two can't. If you can go to the League's website and drop a line to the organizers, if you can get the story of what happened before out of them maybe we can restart it.

Cowards die many times before their deaths,
The valiant never taste of death but once.
Julius Caesar

This sounds somewhat like T.A.G...

ramble on..
--Jimmy Page