Cheats for ares..

Alright I know you all hate cheaters and all, but I have beaten the game (at least 4 or 5 trys on the hard levels)

I wanted to try the cheats, but the SOB's don't work.


Ah, but one must first prove that he is worthy and responsible before we can give them the cheats. Answer these questions:

1. Which cheats are you using, and which version do you have?

2. How were you trying to use them?

3. What do you intend to use the cheats for?

4. How much will you pay me to tell you how to get them to work?

5. Are you planning on making any plugs?

"I am the supreme dictator of the universe, it's just that nobody knows about it yet."
"Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow."

1.most of em' , 1.1.1 ...prolly outdated not sure...
3. to just have fun
4. uhhh nothing.
5. Nope...


burn the cheater, send him to hell!!

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
nickel count: 9

Good grief, I'm glad I didn't get this kind of response when I asked for cheats back on the old boards.
Just how elitist are we now?

No-one here is exactly as they appear.


Originally posted by Werecritter:
**1.most of em' , 1.1.1 ...prolly outdated not sure...

I need specific names. There are two sets of cheats, only one set works with 1.1.1.


Originally posted by Werecritter:

What were you doing to use them? Just typing them? What?


Originally posted by Werecritter:
**3. to just have fun

What do you mean, "just for fun"? It's fun to always win with no contest?


Originally posted by Werecritter:
**4. uhhh nothing.

Well, that really lowers the chances of me telling you. 😉


Originally posted by Werecritter:
**5. Nope...

Bah. The only place I use cheats often is when making plugs, when I need to get something done quickly to see how something works. That and helping others learn Ares in multiplayer are the two main really good ways to use them.

"I am the supreme dictator of the universe, it's just that nobody knows about it yet."
"Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow."

Some cheats have their merits. I still get a kick out of using the resource cheat on chap. 17, letting the auds capture all stations, and having a hell of a fight.

The Oracular Net would like to know your favorite color

There are very few levels I condone the use of cheats on: level 19, and any with Flak Drones. Also, when my prefs file gets corrupted, sometimes I use cheats to finish the game again. But that doesn't apply to 1.1.1.

-=MoC 94:19=-
"Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal
"Fate protects fools, children, and ships named Enterprise." -Riker to Bridge Crew

Moral cheating situations:
1. Plug developing. Cheats can be SO useful.
2. Training. I used to train Tyrael in multiplayer, and cheats made things go a lot quicker, and allowed me to get in the action without any AI ships noticing me, so I could observe.
3. Anger management.
4. Making a scenario much, much better than it already is, like what Sargatanus mentioned.

"I am the supreme dictator of the universe, it's just that nobody knows about it yet."
"Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow."

So why are you so unwilling to give them out?

No-one here is exactly as they appear.

Because the average cheater doesn't use cheating in any of those situations, and most cheaters are the average cheater.

"I am the supreme dictator of the universe, it's just that nobody knows about it yet."
"Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow."


Originally posted by Mag Steelglass:
**Because the average cheater doesn't use cheating in any of those situations, and most cheaters are the average cheater.

Are you saying you're the lowly average cheater? They can cheat by "making a plug better." You have to look at both justifications of the ends.

"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."

I don't use it like that, although I'd be all right with it. But people often want to cheat just to win, which is silly, and I don't like it. And he has no proof that he's beaten the game, and I could understand somebody that wanted cheats saying they'd beaten the game in order to get them.

"I am the supreme dictator of the universe, it's just that nobody knows about it yet."
"Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow."

<< I don't use it like that, although I'd be all right with it. But people often want to cheat just to win, which is silly, and I don't like it. >>

Hey, I was making a scenario and had to spend thirty minutes just to test the second level. Why? Because I had to go through the first level before I could test the second. Cheats would have made the whole thing SO MUCH EASIER! Why not just give us the crappy cheats?


You just duplicate the file, then delete level one of the copy! That's how I always did it, anyway... 😉

--Talon_Karrde, MoD, 61:4--
Visit (url="http://"") and sign up for some real gaming experience!

Just a thought- beat the level before you complete it. It saves a whole lot of complications, so long as you have at least the basics of the next one sorted out.

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

Read my topic How to use ares 1.1.1 to the fullest you'll find your answers there...

ramble on..
--Jimmy Page

Well, since I'm so nice, here's three cheats. I won't tell you what they do, you can figure that out on your own:


"I am the supreme dictator of the universe, it's just that nobody knows about it yet."
"Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow."

Here's my contribution: wazzup, or some variant thereof.

Formerly-Rampant Human-Coded AI


They guy DID say that he's beaten it several times. Perhaps he could just be trying to add a little extra spice to the game. And maybe he MIGHT just make a plug. Just give 'em.

Ne Cede Malis Sed Contra Audientor Ito