If you are seeking emloyment in the gaming indust

or If you are hiring

Hello Yawl,

If you are hiring or if you know of a job position that is open or simply want to work for knowledge.

are you? or do you? Want professional support with good technical skills? Need a team player, self motivated, ambitious, talented professional individual with Excellent attention to detail, Ability to work to deadlines, have the Ability to multi-task, prioritize and problem solve, with Strong communication and interpersonal skills for your next project?

No matter if your just starting out in the digital industry a talented student or if you hold AAA titles across the world, have Expert knowledge of C / C++ APPLY or post at this web board if its is for you!

<Link removed. Send an email to iso_crazy if you're interested.>


This post has been edited by Rubber Ducky : 13 April 2005 - 04:40 AM

iso_crazy, It has long been established that this forum is for Coldstone and things that are directly Coldstone related. This is not the correct place to advertise for sites which have no relation to AmbrosiaSW. I wish you success with your venture, but I cannot condone links which do not fit those guidelines. ~RD