Graphic Design

Please help me! I am new to coldstone. Me and my best friend have wanted to make a video game about our lives for the longest time but we don't know how to do character animations. Please, we are just kids and we have a low budget. Please tell us how to make graphic images and animation inexpensively!



Originally posted by 1aragorn18:
**Please help me! I am new to coldstone. Me and my best friend have wanted to make a video game about our lives for the longest time but we don't know how to do character animations. Please, we are just kids and we have a low budget. Please tell us how to make graphic images and animation inexpensively!


Welcome to the boards. If you want to learn how to make your own Graphics I would recommend this tutorial (url="http://"")

You don't need to make your own graphics though. You can use the graphics that come with Coldstone. Just select Create new game and select the midevil option. If you would like to know how to use the animation editor in Coldstone, you can download the user manual at (url="http://";=essentials&display;=date&file;=ColdstoneGameTutorial.sit")http://www.ambrosias...ameTutorial.sit(/url)

The animation editor is explained on page 62



Originally posted by GrahamVH:
**Welcome to the boards. If you want to learn how to make your own Graphics I would recommend this tutorial

You don't need to make your own graphics though. You can use the graphics that come with Coldstone. Just select Create new game and select the midevil option. If you would like to know how to use the animation editor in Coldstone, you can download the user manual at ?product=coldstone&category;=essentials&display;=date&file;=ColdstoneGameTutorial.sit://

The animation editor is explained on page 62


I looked at page 62, did not find a satisfactor explantion any extra resources would be grealy appreiciated



Originally posted by 1aragorn18:
. . . we don't know how to do character animations.

Hi 1aragorn18. Welcome to the Coldstone forum. To do character animations you first have to do lots of pictures. A character, either NPC or player, usually moves in 8 directions: N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, and NW. For each direction of travel there are usually 8 pictures showing the foot and arm movements. That's 64 pictures just to get him to walk in all directions. If the character also attacks or defends, you will need more pictures to show those actions.

The best way to learn how to do this, in my opinion, is to open up one of the animation folders which come with Coldstone and study what they have done with the pictures, and how they have them labeled. Now open the animation and see how the pictures are organized with flags to loop the animation or change directions.

When you have a sense on what is happening, you can duplicate it using your own pictures. You might want to start with just some stick figures to see how the animation works in your game. You can always replace the stick figures with better graphics later. Think of animation as a movie in which you are placing each frame and then asking all the frames to play in quick succession.

The hard part for most people is being a good enough graphic artist. 🙂

Good luck with your game. ~RD

My Doctor said I was having too much wine, women, and song - so I gave up singing because 2 out of 3 is not so bad.
The (url="http://"")Kingdom of Garendall(/url) sectional map is easily printed from gif format pages.
(url="http://";=damselsV1.1.sit")Damsels in Distress(/url) - A plugin for PoG. (url="http://"")RD-DEL(/url)

The best thing to make the graphics is a 3D drawing package, unfortunately these are not very cheap. As for actually making the animation, follow what RD said and have a look at the included character files. For the animation editor the manual is VERY poor.

(url="http://"")M cubed homepage(/url)
(url="http://"")M cubed Network(/url)


Originally posted by 1aragorn18:
**make a video game about our lives for the longest time we have wanted


Make a video game about your lives? I've got some dwarves, elves and humans I made some time ago, but I suppose you need modern graphics? O.o

I want to die on a rainy day...

(url="http://"")cartoon editor(/url) free vector animation app, poor man's drawing things by hand
(url="http://"")moho(/url) $99, can't remember what's crippled in free mode...advanced 2D animation..great tool to haave under your belt

(url="http://"") lots of character always avoid the "fanart" sets ( copyrighted likenesses ) if you plan on publishing
(url="http://"")graphic convertor(/url) if you use the graphics at GamingW you'll need the split function in the save dialog, it allows you to automaticlaly break the images into even pieces...$35.oo, nagware.


... ** Big O..ACTION!**