Ares: I know it's for Mac but...


Originally posted by Pyro:
**besides graphics engines aarent powerful enough right now to make accuarate 3d games that some one can play n there computer. (there not, So DONT argue with me on this one)


Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying.

I have a plan so ingenius even an idiot could have devised it. On my command, we will line up our ships and fly straight into the enemy death-cannons clogging them with wreckage.

Uh...Pyro, there are many recent three dimensional realistic Mac games out there. I have a few, and one of them is a couple years old.

"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."

It's a scale issue. Space is fcking large even for one system, measured in AUs, which are about 144000000km (assuming the Earth is 8 light-minutes away, I can never remeber if it's 8 or 4). Showing realistic details (<5 m) AND scales that massive would require enormously flexible units, prehaps double precision floating point. For a graphic visualization of how slow that would be, download POV-ray from (url="http://"") and try to render something at 640480. Then we talk "seconds per frame" instead of "frames per second".

I think the oort cloud (farthest area of the system with something solid in it) is a few hundred AUs from the sun. That's about the systems RADIUS. Think about trying to do that. You'd blow a motherboard.

William Darkk, head of the Darkklight Entrepenurial Federation
"Strategic warfare" is code for "killing civilians", and it's my calling. Yeah, it's barbaric. War's supposed to be.

(This message has been edited by Fleet Admiral Darkk (edited 01-11-2001).)

But...but...wait a minute! I don't think ares has that kind of accuracy anyway! 😛
Anyway, not even the Homeworld engine could do that. And Starcraft is a different type of game altogether.

We don't go to hell,
memories of us do.
And if you go to hell,
I'll still remember you.

Ares comes dang closest, with tons of empty space, with actual planets in the game. Not bad for 2D, not bad at all.

William Darkk, head of the Darkklight Entrepenurial Federation
"Strategic warfare" is code for "killing civilians", and it's my calling. Yeah, it's barbaric. War's supposed to be.

If only ares was like Homeworld........

Why does everyone uses the username 'M' these day?


Originally posted by Sparky_Hoo:
**If only ares was like Homeworld........


Then it would suck.

No-one here is exactly as they appear.

I think that if EV had an ares battle interface, it would be tons better =). Perhaps if everything was EV except for the whole combat system (that includes the escorts, it would be nice to tell them what to do and control them), I'd say that would be the best.

The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they're going to be when you kill them.

Well, If you could command your escorts about using the ares system in ev, that would rock!

--Talon_Karrde, MoC, 61:4--
Visit (url="http://"") and sign up for some real gaming experience!

Maybe I should said:
'if Homeworld was like Ares, where you take FLY the ships and command the fleet at the same time.'
But that would mean putting a flight sim. like controls, making the game very hard to play. Maybe a EV-Ares 2D game is better (man, what a game that will be!)

Why does everyone uses the username 'M' these day?