Ares: I know it's for Mac but...

I know it's for Mac but is it for PC? Cause I love this
game! It rocks sky-high and don't have a Mac at my house.
The only way I can play it is at one of my friends house
and I don't want to bother him by going to his house every
day for 4 hours and thats only on week-days. It's a great
game and don't get me wrong I love PC's and well.. Mac's
I'm getting used to.

I find all the Mac games I play are really cool an me and
friend seem to find this on the most kool of all except he only has
the Demo but he will be getting the full version soon.

So if you haven't tried to get it for PC please do so and if you can't
let me know. Thanks in advance.

And if anyone knows where to get a free program that will translate
Mac files to PC please let me know on that.

The best advice I can offer is get some really cheap mac. Ambrosia only makes software for macs, and aren't going to make any for pc's. As far as trying to get it for pc's... why should we? We have macs, and like macs better. I don't think that we'd get anywhere, even if we wanted to.

"Oi, oi, oi, me got a hurt n here
Oi, oi, oi, me smell a ting is near
Me gonna bosh and me gonna nosh
An da hurt'll dissapear"

Emulating Mac games on PC's is very difficult, and if on the off chance you get the game working, it'll tend to run pretty poorly. As far as I know

I have a plan so ingenius even an idiot could have devised it. On my command, we will line up our ships and fly straight into the enemy death-cannons clogging them with wreckage.

aren't future games like Ragnarok and..... ( i think ) deimos rising gonna be for PC's? but i don't think they're gonna make Ares for PC's, at least not anytime soon.

--Joolzman5, that guy with the red spikey hair


Originally posted by Joolzman5:
**aren't future games like Ragnarok and..... ( i think ) deimos rising gonna be for PC's? but i don't think they're gonna make Ares for PC's, at least not anytime soon.

Ragnarok too? Since when? Deimos Rising was the only cross-platform I knew of...

With war there is great amounts of death. Men and women make themselves known, doing dangerous feats in their attempt to become heroes.
Some succeed, some don't...

I had only heard of Ragnorok being for PC.
EVN isn't likely to see the PC, and Ares 3D will be released before Ares PC.
Getting a Mac might be a good idea, as I heard OSX will run windows apps.
Many have encouraged me to get the beta to try 10^6, but I fear betas, being a (student) programmer in real life.

Error: target is violating the laws of physics
Error: target is locally exceeding c
Error: unable to determine if target exists or not
Error: target cannot be hit

hear hear! macs rock!

Both Deimos Rising and Ragnarok are going to be for Windows. Also, Coldstone might be for Windows. As far as running Ares on your Windows machine, you should go to the EV Banter and Brawl Board...they will tell you some Mac emulators for Windows (I can't remember any offhand). Also, pick yourself up a cheap iMac. 😉

"Bond, GlueBubble Bond."

😛 😛 😛 = synchronized smiling

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
nickel count: 7

(This message has been edited by Pyro (edited 12-10-2000).)

WTF!?!?! i come back to the forum and the first thing i see is someone wanting an ambrosia games for pc... ha i think like that will ever happen THEN i find out that not onlly is ambrosia makin a game for peeceee thier makin TWO of them what is the worldo comminng to why is the game company that has always stood foor Mac gaming at its most addicted state. im very disappointed in ambrosia what has pocessed them to do this?

"Learn about art captian,
when you understand a
species' art you
understand that species"

As far as Ambrosia goes, I never thought they'd go cross-platform either, but upon further consideration, I don't condemm them for it. 2 reasons: They make some of the best games (period) for the Mac side, and probably will always do so. Secondly, they are a business, and if they can 1, bring some high-quality shareware to the PC side, and 2, make some extra money at it, I'll continue to back them with my money and moral support as long as they still exist.

"In times of stress, be bold and valiant". -Horace

As far as Ambrosia goes, I never thought they'd go cross-platform either, but upon further consideration, I don't condemm them for it. 2 reasons: They make some of the best games (period) for the Mac side, and probably will always do so. Secondly, they are a business, and if they can 1, bring some high-quality shareware to the PC side, and 2, make some extra money at it, I'll continue to back them with my money and moral support as long as they (and I) exist.

"In times of stress, be bold and valiant". -Horace

Jeez... I wish it would stop multi-posting. Guess it still went through the first time, even though IE crashed...I guess that's what you get for having 0 Karma points... 😉

"In times of stress, be bold and valiant". -Horace

Corection, 3 games for PC, well, if you can call the Cold Stone game engine a game...and you probly can.

Oh...and for the record I hear there is Ares 3D, with more players, more ships, and a good deal less editability...its called Home World, and its PC only.


Well, I don't have a Mac and never will, but I just bought the full
versions of Ares and EV Override and they rock on my machine. (Hint:
it's not a's got a 68060....)


Originally posted by Rogarth:
Well, I don't have a Mac and never will, but I just bought the full
versions of Ares and EV Override and they rock on my machine. (Hint:
it's not a's got a 68060....)




Originally posted by KMQ:
**Corection, 3 games for PC, well, if you can call the Cold Stone game engine a game...and you probly can.

Oh...and for the record I hear there is Ares 3D, with more players, more ships, and a good deal less editability...its called Home World, and its PC only.

:eek:! I hear there's a version of ares but on planets and you build ships and troops and there's 3 species and it's called starcraft and mac and pc have it and there are expansionso it better than ares but PC users can have it too ok!?

Just becuase I'm evil doesn't mean I'm not nice.

homeworld IS NOT ares, fool.

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
nickel count: 8

Don't even think about compairing those over-traditional games to Ares.

Ares is a BETTER representation of the true nature of space combat of the far future than Homeworld. Ares 3D would be kewl, but it's a pipe dream, even for those of us with both Macs and PCs (doesn't include me).

William Darkk, head of the Darkklight Entrepenurial Federation
"Strategic warfare" is code for "killing civilians", and it's my calling. Yeah, it's barbaric. War's supposed to be.

ambrosia doesnt have the money or the time to make ares 3d, besides graphics engines aren't powerful enough right now to make realistic 3d games that some one can play on there computer. (there not, So DONT argue with me on this one)

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
nickel count: 8

(This message has been edited by Pyro (edited 01-11-2001).)