When I tried to download the Quest for a magic cheese, my IE just shutdown with type 2 error.
Other add-ons worked fine.
Karel Johannes Kaurila
When I tried to download the Quest for a magic cheese, my IE just shutdown with type 2 error.
Other add-ons worked fine.
Karel Johannes Kaurila
try (url="http://"http://www.krytencrc.cjb.net/")http://www.krytencrc.cjb.net/(/url)
Life is a joke - death is testing your humour...
Originally posted by KJK:
**When I tried to download the Quest for a magic cheese, my IE just shutdown with type 2 error.
Other add-ons worked fine. **
What version and OS?
I just snagged it using IE 6.0.2 under Win XP and it downloaded just fine...
(url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/pogwalkthrough.htm")PoG Walkthrough and Compendium(/url) | (url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/plugins/dev_tools.htm")PoG Dev Tools(/url) | (url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/plugins/spells_expander.htm")Spells Expander(/url)
(url="http://"http://stark.evula.net")Stark.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.net")EVula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://mail.ambrosiasw.com/mailman/listinfo/coldstone_dev")Coldstone-dev mailing list(/url) | (url="http://"http://ucplugs.evula.net/pog.html")PoG Upcoming Plug-Ins Directory(/url)
Originally posted by Stark Bledfast:
**What version and OS?
I just snagged it using IE 6.0.2 under Win XP and it downloaded just fine...
Whoa, Stark is on a Win box?
"There are no turtles anywhere" Ponder Stibbons
(url="http://"http://www.krytencrc.cjb.net")Kryten's Headquarters(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.silvernetwork.net/kryten/mcheese.htmll")All your Cheese are belong to us(/url)
Originally posted by Kryten:
Whoa, Stark is on a Win box?
At work, yes.
(url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/pogwalkthrough.htm")PoG Walkthrough and Compendium(/url) | (url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/plugins/dev_tools.htm")PoG Dev Tools(/url) | (url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/plugins/spells_expander.htm")Spells Expander(/url)
(url="http://"http://stark.evula.net")Stark.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.net")EVula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://mail.ambrosiasw.com/mailman/listinfo/coldstone_dev")Coldstone-dev mailing list(/url) | (url="http://"http://ucplugs.evula.net/pog.html")PoG Upcoming Plug-Ins Directory(/url)
Poor Stark. :frown:
"There are no turtles anywhere" Ponder Stibbons
(url="http://"http://www.krytencrc.cjb.net")Kryten's Headquarters(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.silvernetwork.net/kryten/mcheese.htmll")All your Cheese are belong to us(/url)
(quote)Originally posted by Kryten:
**Poor Stark.:)
Just pimpin' my (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/dampeoples/iblog/index.html")scandalous stories(/url), (url="http://"http://stores.ebay.com/laurelmountainmarket")stuff(/url), and (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/dampeoples/artlinks/stuff.html")art tutorial links(/url)
(quote)Originally posted by dampeoples:
**He's actually filthy, stinking rich. I just borrowed $.50 from him for a coke:p That's how he stays rich.
p.s. A small coke at that.
My Doctor said I was having too much wine, women, and song - so I gave up singing because 2 out of 3 is not so bad.
The (url="http://"http://www.evula.org/rduck/")Kingdom of Garendall(/url) sectional map is easily printed from gif format pages.
(url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/dl-redirect.pl/damsels.sit?path=pog/addons&file;=damselsV1.1.sit")Damsels in Distress(/url) - A plugin for PoG. (url="http://"http://www.evula.org/rduck/RD-DEL.jpg")RD-DEL(/url)
$0.50 for a coke? Where do you live!? Andorra?
"Stiney! Get me a danish!"
Check out teh 1337 sig: (url="http://"http://server4.uploadit.org/files2/130104-Ogre_Bobfinal.jpg")Teh 1337 sig(/url)
Proud Shaman of (url="http://"http://forums.evula.com/viewforum.php?f=52")Clan EVW(/url)
Originally posted by Stark Bledfast:
**What version and OS?
I just snagged it using IE 6.0.2 under Win XP and it downloaded just fine...
OS 9.1 iMac
Originally posted by Ledorax:
It worked!Thanks!
EDIT2: I''ve made through the game!!I
Karel Johannes Kaurila
(This message has been edited by KJK (edited 02-07-2004).)
(This message has been edited by KJK (edited 02-07-2004).)
Originally posted by Rubber Ducky:
And he's gonna make you pay it back, too. That's how he stays rich.
At 15.75% interest too.
p.s. A small coke at that.
Did you really want DP running around on a sugar/caffiene high?
(url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/pogwalkthrough.htm")PoG Walkthrough and Compendium(/url) | (url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/plugins/dev_tools.htm")PoG Dev Tools(/url) | (url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/plugins/spells_expander.htm")Spells Expander(/url)
(url="http://"http://stark.evula.net")Stark.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.net")EVula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://mail.ambrosiasw.com/mailman/listinfo/coldstone_dev")Coldstone-dev mailing list(/url) | (url="http://"http://ucplugs.evula.net/pog.html")PoG Upcoming Plug-Ins Directory(/url)
KJK: There is some sort of bug that prevents you from getting the final weapon (at least in my version). What version are you running? 1.4.5?
(url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/ubb/postings.cgi?action=newtopic&number;=55&forum;=War+Room")Ooh! What's this?(/url)
Originally posted by LifeKnight:
**KJK: There is some sort of bug that prevents you from getting the final weapon (at least in my version). What version are you running? 1.4.5?
I'm running the latest version, which is 1.5 .
Karel Johannes Kaurila