Trouble Shooting Plug-in : Ground Zer0

ok, first id like to say, sorry for the first release. i thought i was totally bad a$$ but then i went back to find at least 4 huge problems in it, sorry. now onto the problems, first is the problem where i play the first level and i beat, destroy, kill, whatever, everything in the system, everything is conquerd and it doesnt want to say that the human player has won it so i just sits there, how do ya fix that?. next is the problem where you beat it, it says you won it and then it just brings you back to the main start up screen and doesnt know that you won it AND you want the next mission but wont bring it up in the mission selecter screen, how do you make the missions connect with each other is the point im getting down to. huff huff...ok i think those are easy problems to fix, and that im just a dumb a$$ and want easy help, so...HELP ME!!!

The God of Death is back once again - Duo Maxwell



Originally posted by Steel Bahamut:
now onto the problems, first is the problem where i play the first level and i beat, destroy, kill, whatever, everything in the system, everything is conquerd and it doesnt want to say that the human player has won it so i just sits there, how do ya fix that?

To fix this, in the Scenario editor, chose edit Scenario Conditions.
Then create two conditions. For condition number 0, have it be a Time condition. Have it activate at time 1 and cause an Alter event which alters Condition True Yet. The Condition True Yet should have 1 filled in in both fields.
Then go back to the Condition Editor. Chose the second condition. From the Flags pop-up menu check off Initially Inactive. Then set it to be a No Ships Left Condition. Have it be for if player number 1 has no ships left. Then set its Sequence to be Declare Winner. Have it declare a win for player 0. Then have it go to level 2. This also fixes your second problem.


Originally posted by Steel Bahamut:
next is the problem where you beat it, it says you won it and then it just brings you back to the main start up screen and doesnt know that you won it AND you want the next mission but wont bring it up in the mission selecter screen, how do you make the missions connect with each other is the point im getting down to.

ok, it worked but a new problem has arisen when i did i go into the first mission and exactally 3 seconds later it says i won it and that the computer player has no ships but it really does, whats going wrong?



Originally posted by Steel Bahamut:
**ok, it worked but a new problem has arisen when i did i go into the first mission and exactally 3 seconds later it says i won it and that the computer player has no ships but it really does, whats going wrong?

Make sure that it the "flags" popup menu of the No Ships Left condition "Initially Inactive" has a check next to it. That will make it so that the No Ships Left condition is inactive. If it is active at the beginning of the level, then it causes your problem.

The other condition should be a "time" condition which will activate the No Ships Left condition after the level starts.(at time 1)


and that time condition should be before the "no ships left condition" right?


and even when i do check the initially inactive button it still wins the scenario for me, is there any other way of winning the scenario without haveing to destroy all the ships?



Originally posted by Steel Bahamut:
**and even when i do check the initially inactive button it still wins the scenario for me, is there any other way of winning the scenario without haveing to destroy all the ships?

There are plenty of other ways to win the scenario. For instance, if
you capture an enemy planet or destroy a certain enemy ship/station. However, that would probably require a reworking of the level. If you send the level to me at my email: (dead) then I can fix it.


This post has been edited by Patrick : 25 September 2007 - 02:53 PM

alright, thanx for all the help, ill come back to ya in the future, ill also put your name in the credits on the final release.
