Ishiman escort and schooner

In hera you can acsess sprites for the ishiman schooner and ishiman escort. Does anypne know what there weapons are supposed to be?

When you go dizzy you've got to stop playing

It's only sprites. No data files or information.

Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.

I think Slug has said this a couple of times...

-Pallas Athene of Dysian Beta, Obish Consensus Representative
-Nieru Dast, {M}ilitia Aeriane
-Danae Vernius
"Cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat. Unless you're talking politics." -Durandal