Ask Entry Question

I know I think it was Ledorax who had posted this topic before, but I searched and searched and searched but couldn't find it :frown:. Anyway, I was searching for one similar to this:

Does anyone know how to make an ask entry that has more then one ansewer, the one I've seen that has so far is in the great learning tree on PoG

It was similar to that, can anyone help me :p, Is it even possible?.

Thanks from Klobby AKA klobber and klobbe.

Yeah, it was me ;).

To do it:
First, use an Ask Entry action and set it up how you like it, then you use a Conditional action and set it to
"if Global Entry is equal to (TEXT)". Where (TEXT) is the thing to search for.
Then if true do your action, else do nothing and then in the end of the whole event you make the conditional be: else do: sorry, could not find what you were looking for or something like that. Example:

Ask Entry: Text: what do you need info about?
if text equal to: goblins
do: goblin info
else do: nothing

Conditional - Global Entry is equal to 'zombies'
if true do: zombie info
else do: nothing

Conditional - Global Entry is equal to 'orcs'
if true do: orc info
else do: could not find

Good luck 😉

(url="http://"")Ledorax Land(/url)


Ledorax replied:
**Yeah, it was me;).
Good luck 😉

Wow thanks! I thought it was you, anyway, thanks I need to know that but couldn't find it.

Thanks from Klobby AKA klobber and klobbe.

(This message has been edited by Klobby (edited 10-13-2003).)

One minor difference in how I do things...

I place the conditionals on the linked list side, and have them fall down into eachother.


Main List:

  • Ask Entry
    - If true then do an action in linked list
    - If false then go to first conditional in linked list

Linked List:

  • Action to perform if first ask entry was correct
  • Conditional
    - If true then do an action in the linked list
    - If false then go to the next conditional in the linked list
  • Next Conditional
    - If true then do an action in the linked list
    - If false then go to the next conditional...

This way I can have the final conditional be "if true do this, if false then print, 'Hey dummy, wrong answer!'" or something to that effect.

If you do everything in the main list then you can't do that unless you end the event in the linked list.

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