
I really don't thinks so but... is there a way of saving the game without showing the save window?
as in a quick save, or an auto save, take baldur's gate for example, where there are the three of them, auto, quick and manual saves...

"Violence is the last resource of the incompetent" Salvador Hardin


Originally posted by Gyptal-IV:
**I really don't thinks so but... is there a way of saving the game without showing the save window?
as in a quick save, or an auto save, take baldur's gate for example, where there are the three of them, auto, quick and manual saves...


No, I don't think the quick-save feature is currently supported in Coldstone.

Boo! Did I scare you? No? BOO! How about now? Good!

oh, ok... wish it was.

"Violence is the last resource of the incompetent" Salvador Hardin

Well, you could if you wanted to muck about with saving each individual attribute of the game in about a dozen globals. It could be done, but in my opinion wouldn't be worth it.

Whose cruel idea was it to put an 'S' in lisp?

the variables would be wiped out anyway.


... bwahhaaaaahaaaaaugh fooooolish sammurai.