German Coldstone Community (Page)

I would like to know if there is somewhere a German Coldstone Community Page? Or are there some German Speaking Coldstone Users? I ask beacause we are searching for german speaking Coldstone User, wich would like to join a Project called Thyroon. More Informations on:

http:// (url="http://"")


Why german? Are you making a german game..?


No we are a german speaking team. ( from Austria, Germany and Switzerland. The communication would be difficult with english speaking teammembers, but we hope to release our Project in German and English.


Okay, I dont think my german is good enough for that:P


I Think sso, because should understand a lot!
Unfortunately Coldstone is very widespread in the states and not in Europe. If there would be a german Coldstone Ressource it would make it much easier to find someone, but so I think we will have to search programmers to programm our own Engine.


I dont really think there are many Coldstone sites at all... I have only found this one. I have searched on some sites but there does'nt seem to be any coldstone sites. The only pages I can find is developers using coldstone and coldstone tips / faq...


Yes, I speak german... to an extent. basically I used to be able to speak it fluently, but it has somewhat deteriorated. I can understand it perfectly, however. I am probably the most fluent on these boards.

"Stiney! Get me a danish!"