about a weird idea

i was wondering if i can actually do this in coldstone:
firstly, have two characters, though not at the same time... say as matrix reloaded where you can be the mighty chinese or niobe, and have two different stories inside a major one that affects everything

now, you start the game with fred the goblin, and on day 3 you get to the feldepost's inn (where you save dein game).
then, you start off the other story with squee the goblin, and on day 3 you also get to feldepost's inn!!
what means you should see our friend fred in there.... and if you can see him... why not talk with him.... or even exchange a few goblin bombs for something else?
get the idea?


Hi. Yeah your idea is very possible to do. I am doing something simular in my game. First you would have to two different character portraits and character animations. You would start with Fred and have the player control him until you reached the inn. Then you would have to set up an event in Coldstone that would fade the screen out and replace the character portrait and character animation with that of the second character Squee and then the screen would fade back in on a new location. Then you could have the player navigate him to the inn.

Now if you wanted either Fred or Squee to interact with one another, one of them would have to be set up as an NPC (which ever one is not being controled by the player).

I hope that helped a bit.

Pedrith 🙂



Originally posted by Gyptal-IV:
**i was wondering if i can actually do this in coldstone:
firstly, have two characters, though not at the same time... say as matrix reloaded where you can be the mighty chinese or niobe, and have two different stories inside a major one that affects everything

now, you start the game with fred the goblin, and on day 3 you get to the feldepost's inn (where you save dein game).
then, you start off the other story with squee the goblin, and on day 3 you also get to feldepost's inn!!
what means you should see our friend fred in there.... and if you can see him... why not talk with him.... or even exchange a few goblin bombs for something else?
get the idea?


I am not sure I know what you mean. Do you mean having a storyline that once you get to a certain part in the game switches you to another character and then has you travel to where you "left" the first one? Or is the character switching totaly up to the player? Like, you start with Fred, and go a little ways, stop and switch characters, then travel to where you left Fred, travel to any random places, then switch back to Fred? If that makes any more sence. looks back over what he wrote and gets more confused.

You know you live in Arizona when you see someone driving with oven mits on.. and you think they are clever.

yep, the second option neep, it's totally up to the player, so you can have two completelly different stories, and develop them as you wish (if you wish)

and here's something else:
jason the.... innkeeper is offering a one man mission. squee takes it.... then you continue your fred game, and, as squee already took it, it's no longer available, i'm guessing this can be done through a lot of variables

and i must say that i just today read the manual, so, i havent done anything.... but i think i will advance pretty quickly on the game..... i'll keep you posted 😄

(oh, and pedrith, you DId help a lot)
