
Where do I find the updater to 1.2.0? On the addon pages the only one available is 1.1.1, and I'm having problems with plugins I DL'd. (Iron fist, Black Seas, Ishiman Quest)
The only one that seems to work is Secret Levels.
Help much appreciated.

"You fragged me because I was aiming for your brain."

Another Nickel....



P.S. Ever tried looking for Hera in the "Upcoming" section?

"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."

The big plugs can only work using ares 1.2.

insert famous line from either StarWars, Myth 2, Marathon Trilogy, Ares, StarCraft, Ultima Online, or from Ender's Quartet here

I repeat my question. WHERE IS THE UPDATER TO 1.2?

"You fragged me because I was aiming for your brain."

Hehe, oooops! I found it. :redface:

"You fragged me because I was aiming for your brain."

damn too late!!

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
nickel count: 7

Oh, it's password protected. What do I have to do to get the password? I want Iron Fist to work! :frown:

"You fragged me because I was aiming for your brain."

(This message has been edited by Talon Karrde (edited 12-13-2000).)

the password is geephor (coreect me if I'm wrong)


what's with these nickel things pyro?

For a time, i was tempted by her offer.....
How long a time?
.68 seconds sir

It's just his thing......

--Joolzman5, that guy with the red spikey hair