HA! I DID IT! I have found a way to fix that nasty render error if your graphics are 32 bit (where parts of graphics are cut up and copied all over the map in little lines). Make an event and add a screen refresh action to it. Save it as whatever you want ie. player_Refresh. Then go through the player animation file and wherever there is a blank spot in the animation, add an action for running that event. If you only add one or two per direction then you still see the lines on the edge of the map. Then save it and run! It runs just slightly slower on my G4 but if you speed up your character by one than it fixes it.

Hope this can help!

Whose cruel idea was it to put an 'S' in lisp?

One down, an incomprehensible (sp?) number to go.

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hardkor_games) HardKOR Games, my Coldstone
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