Anyone know a FAST way to beat C. 14?

I've been having to play through Ares again, and I've done it twice already. I'm a pretty good pilot in SP, but does anyone know a nice and QUICK way to do Chapter 14? It just TAKES SO LONG!


"Anything that can be achieved using magic can be achieved using technology." -Salrillian Illegal Publicist ekt-Herna in his last message to the Salrillian public.

To beat Level 14. At the start of the level take all the ships tou have and warp up to whassitsname Gamma and when you biuld ships send them there. You should watch out for transports but only send one or two cruisers after them. Once all Cantharan ships have been destroyed biuld a transport and pilot it manually past the flack drone. Ignore the Baizandese battleship-it isn't necesary to win.
This should work but it doesen't always.

If you dont mind cheating you could make a plug in using Hera that has all the levels in it set as training missions. Even if you have Ares 1.2 rename your Ares Scenarios file and rename the plug 'Ares Scenarios'. put the plug into the ares data folder and play all the missions by skiping tutorial. Finally put the original Ares Scenarios file back in the Ares Data folder and when you start up Ares again you shouls have completed all the levels (or however many you played).

gasps you didnt do that did you......?



Originally posted by Pyro:
gasps you didnt do that did you......?

:redface: Well I noticed it when I didnt have v1.2 and I had to run the mods in the way I described and as I had got to level 20 I had to go back to get to the start. I jus put two and two together and noticed how to cheat. 😉

Grand Fleet Admiral Slathkill, Supreme Commander I.M.A. Fleet

(This message has been edited by Admiral Slathkill II (edited 12-02-2000).)