change hero appearance

how do i change the way the hero looks when he puts on hero/weapons?


When creating the items, attach an event to them. This event has the 'Player Map Icon' action set to the specific animation you want. This works fine if you only change on weapons, or on armor. If you want them to change in combination:

Have the event insteaad set a global to a certain value. Say, equiping a sword would set gb_weapon to 1, and equipping leather armor would set gb_armor to 2. Then, have each of the 'equipp' events link to a separate event that uses conditions to first determine the type of weapon, then the armor currently equipped, and change the map icon accordingly.

A tomb now suffices for him for whom the world was not enough.

so would you have to draw 152 or whatever new images for every type of new weapons and armor?


yes, a new complete set of animations for each new outfit the hero has

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