New Coldstone message board

The GameMakers' Garage has created a new message board in our forum system just for the discussion of ColdStone Game Engine. I really hope you come in and check it out. Also, if you have any ColdStone games you have created, please submit them to the ColdStone Games category of the GMG Downloads area. Finally, if you have any ColdStone related news, we will gladly publish it for hundreds of eyes to see on the GMG News page.

GMG Forums: (url="http://"")
GMG Downloads: (url="http://"")http://www.silvernet...~gmg/downloads/(/url)
GMG News: (url="http://"")

Thank you very much,
Mike Richardson
Editor, The GMG

Cool, free publicity. Thanks.

Just pimpin' my (url="http://"")blog(/url),(url="http://"")voyeur cam(/url), (url="http://"")stuff(/url), and (url="http://"")art tutorial links(/url)

The GMG has been around for about 5 years now, it's one of the only home-based game creator resource that has made it through the years.

Our coverage began with GameMaker, HyperCard and SuperCard, and expanded to include TNTBasic and other programs. Now we are including ColdStone, which I believe has a bright future among hobbyist game makers and talented programers looking to enter the professional market.

I highly recommend you check the GMG out.


As DP stated, the more publicity the better. More people exposed means more people purchasing, driving more people here as well.

Sounds good to me.

(url="http://"")PoG Walkthrough and Compendium(/url) | (url="http://"")PoG Dev Tools(/url) | (url="http://"")Spells Expander(/url)
(url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"")Coldstone-dev mailing list(/url) | (url="http://"")PoG Upcoming Plug-Ins Directory(/url)

I'm surprised to see they have a Coldstone board, considering how some of the moderators over there dislike it so much....

I went to the boards there, looked around a bit, was turned off by their moderators' attitudes and language.

For those who have never heard of this before: GameMaker is a product, and many of the posts at the GameMaker's Garage forums seem to be about this product (and games developed with it). It is not quite a generic-game-making-person's garage, which is what I initially thought it might be. They have added a few new boards recently, for Coldstone and TNTBasic, but those have very few posts. The main GameMaker board seems to be mostly people slamming other people and their games.

Yelled at the almost-dead monsters:
Hey! Come back here with my experience points!