Text in Coldstone

Can you change the text colour or font within the coldstone engine? I seem to only get Times. Cheers.

Nomad Eye


Originally posted by Nomad Eye:
**Can you change the text colour or font within the coldstone engine? I seem to only get Times. Cheers.


As far as I know there is currently no way to change the font in coldstone, a diificult but possible solution would be to make all text pictures.


Visit my site at:

As mention there are workarounds

one is to use .loc to show text as the opening screens of PoG were.

another if you only need the players name in your text ie for your high score screen or diplay on screen.

in the startup screens have a map loction that is a picture of all the text characters youd like the player to choose from. save their choices to globals and print them as stamps.

good luck


Cooldstone_Dev Resource: (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/straytoaster/")Coldstone_Dev Resource(/url)

See Coldstone_Tips at: (url="http://"http://coldroom.150m.com/CGE_Stuff/CGE_Tips.html")CGE_Tips(/url)

I think quite a few people are hoping for a font-changing option in the update (which, sadly, may never exist.).

Poor little Johnny, of whom we'll see no more, for what he thought was H2O was H2SO4.