item link actions

for some reason i cannot properly link to a result from the condition list within the item -> links tab. the linked actions i create while in the tab area never become selectable. what's even worse is that attempting to modify things within the same links tab often results in a total crash and burn, forcing a system reboot. is this a known bug?

both this problem, and the related problem of buggy item positioning are fairly significant issues i'm hoping there's a solution for...




Originally posted by acephale:
for some reason i cannot properly link to a result from the condition list within the item - > links tab. the linked actions i create while in the tab area never become selectable. what's even worse is that attempting to modify things within the same links tab often results in a total crash and burn, forcing a system reboot. is this a known bug?

Yep, known bug.

I've found that if I start up Coldstone and right away go to the items->links section, that I can usually set a few conditions on items before Coldstone will crash.

We're hoping this is fixed in the update.

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