Please help, have game to show but cannot upload it.

Hello, I have quite a big game to upload to show all of you. Its 13meg, does anyone know any temporary internet hard drives I could use, I would use my website but for some reason I cannot connect to the remote host.

Thanks in advance and I will tell you the address of my game when I get it online.



You may want to get an account at (url="http://"")The Empire(/url). It includes 20 MBs of free space and an email account. If you have questions, contact EVula ( (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Noogy:
Hello, I have quite a big game to upload to show all of you. Its 13meg, does anyone know any temporary internet hard drives I could use, I would use my website but for some reason I cannot connect to the remote host.

If the game is complete and you are looking at distributing it, you can certainly upload it to the (url="http://"")Coldstone addons page(/url).

(edit) Upload any freeware games built by Coldstone to this section that you wish. If the game is shareware or commercial then you will need to get permission to upload your game to Ambrosia's server first. Drop me an e-mail if you have questions regarding this or need help getting authorization. (/edit)

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(This message has been edited by Stark Bledfast (edited 02-11-2003).)

well... I ve got 2 accounts on which are not full... I even used them to put online my own betas 🙂 and it s not 13 Mo but 72 Mo... so if you find nothing else, I think I can host your game for some time 🙂
my e-mail:

God is real... unless declared integer...
Watashi wa Iori Yagami no gakuse-desu
My RPG's homepage: (url="http://"")

Hey, no problem, I had a look around and found Yahoo Briefcase, I will use this for a while to host my game. I will post a topic when it is up!



Excuse my last post. I was decieved by Yahoo's false advertising and found out I could only upload 5megs at a time. I will let everyone know when my game is up.


Like CI-Ia0s said, you get 20 megs of space if you sign up for an (url="http://"") account. It's currently closed to public submissions, but I'll be willing to bend the rules for ya. Just drop me an email and I'll tell you what you need to do after that.

(url="http://"")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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(This message has been edited by ellrx (edited 02-11-2003).)

EVula, if he signs up can you modify my post count to..oh.. 5000 or so, because I reffered him. PLEASE.

JK 😛

EDIT: spelling

(url="http://"")The Homepage of Cha0s(/url)

(This message has been edited by CI-Ia0s (edited 02-12-2003).)