A Few Questions


I've Got A few Questions..
First. Is it possible to activate an event only if the player doubleclicks a place (or a item or something like that).
Is it possible,to create npc that are friendly (i can talk to them,buy or sell something..) but i may attack them if i want to?
How can i create a door, that opens when i've got the right key?


Hey, welcome to the boards Kiwiyogurt! I am not the expert here, but I'll try my best to help you.


Originally posted by Kiwiyogurt:
First. Is it possible to activate an event only if the player doubleclicks a place (or a item or something like that).

Hmmm... I think that by using locations you can have it if a player single -clicks a location, but I don't think you can do double clicks. Not sure...


Is it possible,to create npc that are friendly (i can talk to them,buy or sell something..) but i may attack them if i want to?

Well... I don't think so. The closest you could come, would be to make a neutral NPC and a hostile NPC that look the same. When you want to kill the NPC an event could be triggered that kills the neutral NPC. In the neutral NPC's death event, you could have it create the hostile NPC at the neutral NPC's previous coordinates.


How can i create a door, that opens when i've got the right key?

Just require a global to be set to open the door. Then, when you acquire the key, set the global. You may want to make the key unsellable and undropable OR have the global reset (so that the gate doesn't open) if they drop it. If they sell it... Just make it unsellable, because I don't think that you can check whether you have the key or not without making an event for every map.
Hope all of this was helpful.

EDIT: spelling and clarity

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(This message has been edited by CI-Ia0s (edited 12-29-2002).)


Originally posted by Kiwiyogurt:
**First. Is it possible to activate an event only if the player doubleclicks a place (or a item or something like that).


As chaos said, it is possible to make a location activate upon a single click. However, you can corrupt this by using the following method.

You will need one global per double click location, and stray's timer events.

1. Upon the first click, a conditional is run. If the global is at its default (0) state, go to step 2. If not (1) , go to 3.

2. Set the global to 1, run the timer. When the timer clocks off 1 second, set the global back to 0.

3. Run the event wanted (opening the door, etc.), then delete the whole chain. Or not, if you want it to have multiple uses.

This way, the wanted event will only run if the player clicks twice in 1 second.

Is if evil? Well then, it is evil and yet I do it. - The Crucible, Arthur Miller.

hey thanx for the answers
well just another question..
i had have the idea to create houses where i can step in (but without opening a new location..)..so i made a house (just a simple one;-)..i put the for walls (and the door) on one layer..But the roof i put on a second layer..then i made two events (delete roof and redo roof) and put them round the house..so when i stepped near the house, the roof was deleted and i was able to look into the house..when i went off,the roof was on the right place again..i don't know if there several possibilities to solve this problem?probably an easier way?
cee ya


(This message has been edited by Kiwiyogurt (edited 12-30-2002).)

You are going about it the right way, I believe. However, several things to keep in mind:
1.You may only want the roof to disappear when the player could see inside the house in reality.
2.You may not want to delete the roof, but just make it semi-transparent (delete it and add in a new semi-transparent version)

Sounds like you're developing an interesting game.

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thanx for the tips!!
if i want to delete the roof,that works..but if if i want to redo the roof,the stamp controll event places it at a different place..why?the coordinates are correct but...
frustrated 😉 kiwiyogurt



Originally posted by CI-Ia0s:
Well... I don't think so. The closest you could come, would be to make a neutral NPC and a hostile NPC that look the same. When you want to kill the NPC an event could be triggered that kills the neutral NPC. In the neutral NPC's death event, you could have it create the hostile NPC at the neutral NPC's previous coordinates.

The only problem with this is that the NPC control event to kill an NPC does not execute the NPC's death event. I believe this to be a bug and hope it is fixed.


Originally posted by Kiwiyogurt: **
if i want to delete the roof,that works..but if if i want to redo the roof,the stamp controll event places it at a different place..why?the coordinates are correct but...**

2 things that could be the problem...

  1. Make sure you are supplying pixel coordinates and not movement coordinates. Ie, if the roof starts at the movement tile(where the player is standing) with coordinates (2,4) then when you use the stamp control you need to insert the coordinates (32,96) to have the roof placed in the upper left-hand pixel of that movement tile. The reason? Because a movement tile is made up of 32X32 pixels(unless you changed your movement tile grid, in which case substitute the 32X32 with whatever dimensions you have chosen). However, multiplying by this will put the stamp at the bottom right hand corner, so you need to subtract from the x and y coordinates the size of your tiles to move the stamp up to the upper left-hand corner.

  2. You are using the modify option within stamp control. While I haven't confirmed it, I have seen numerous reports that this option does not work. It is best to delete the stamp and then add a new one in its place if you wish to modify it.

Good luck.

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hey thanx for your informations..
it worked allright!!
i've made now a destiller..it works fine..so i'm now able to make potions by myself (i just need water and an other essence..)then i made a potion that brings my spellpoints up..but right now i'm not able to spell..is it possible to create spells that are casted if i press a specific button..so i don't have to search through my spellbook every time i want to cast a spell..?and how can i cast..i have the spell but can't cast it..
cee ya



Originally posted by Kiwiyogurt:
is it possible to create spells that are casted if i press a specific button..so i don't have to search through my spellbook every time i want to cast a spell..?

Mr. Kiwiyogurt,

This is quite possible and can be done in 3 steps:

  1. Create the spell
  2. Create an event that does 1 thing: uses the spell wizard event object with the setting "Cast a spell." Make sure that the spell you want to cast has its box checked.
  3. Create a keydown event (Under the Project->Game Options heading, Keys tab). Select the key you wish to use to cast your spell and then link it to the event that casts your spell. (More information on creating a keydown is on page 76 of the Coldstone manual)

The only issue I personally have with keydown events to do specific things like casting spells is that there are a finite number of keys, and every time you reserve one that is one less key available. Just something to keep in mind.


And how can i cast..i have the spell but can't cast it..

Spells are cast either directly(the above method of using an event to trigger a spell to be cast through the use of a spell wizard event object) or indirectly through the use of the spell book.

Direct casting : The event object "Spell Wizard" has 4 options at the top of the box: Add spell, remove spell, cast a spell, cast last spell. The cast spell/cast last spell options will execute the spell that you select from the spell list(or the last spell the player cast in the case of the latter option) regardless of whether the player actually has knowledge of the spell or not. Thus if you are keydowning a spell that the player has to find before he can use it, you had best use a global integer to keep track of whther the player has the spell or not and then check it before allowing the keydown to be used.

Indirect casting : The event object "Engine Call" has an option called "Open player's spell dialog" which will open the player's spell book. The player is then able to select the spell that they wish to cast and that spell is then executed if the player has enough mana.

Problems that can affect spell casting :

  1. Player not having enough mana to cast the spell. If you use indirect casting then this spell will be greyed out and unuseable.

  2. In the spell itself you have the option listed to display an animation(either animation instantly hits target, or animation travels in a bullet towards the target) but you have no animation listed. In my experiences a spell will usually not cast if this is the case. Either supply an animation or change this option to not use an animation.

  3. Caster/enemy/allies/damage/range. Be sure to check the values on the first screen of the spell creation editor. If your max range is 0 and the spell is offensive, it won't cast unless the target is right on top of the caster. If the spell is set to cast against an enemy and no target is around, it won't cast(since you have to click on a target). If the spell is damaging and you have no damage set, it won't do squat.

  4. Spell event is horked. If your spell uses a casting event check to make sure everything is alright there. If you use conditionals to check conditions on whether the spell should cast make sure that these conditions are possible, and that they are right when you are attempting to cast the spell.

Good luck.

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ok i'll try that!!
hey just another question..
i'm not really shure if its a bug or not..if i create a new map the water appears just normal (the shore too) but when i launch the game,the shore isn't there..and the water itself isn't at the right coordiantes..but i don't know why..the other parts of the maps are no problem but this damn water..is it just a bug or..?
cee ya


Hmmmm... Did you place the water through layers or ground tiles? If you placed it through ground tiles, make sure that your ground tiles are 96X96. I encountered a similar problem that made my map look very weird... A screenshot would be helpful. You can send me one at cha0s@evula.org.
Also, check that the shore is not on a layer that is underneath another layer; it may be buried under something you had there before.

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