Are there and games in dev. besides rpg's?

I really like the idea of CS being able to do more than PoG type games. You could have top down racing racing games like spy hunter, or a simple minature golf game. I mean the possablities are really broad. So I was wondering has anyone thought of doing any games other than rpg type games?

First Post


Yay! I'm glad other people can see what coldstone is capable of. Having said that... I'm busy making an rpg, heh. But the majority of it is done and I'm already planning what I'm going to do next... I'm thinking something strategy-based and multiplayer, a bit like the worms series. A multi person, simple turn based killEachOther-em up.
Minature golf? That's a fantastic idea, or maybe something like marble madness...? Ah, I can't wait. 🙂


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reprisal of a shooter, currently classes are stealing my every waking hour, and i was so close to polishing the interface/mechanics


Wow I never even thought of miniture golf. But now that you mention that I think it's a great idea. Um.. me well I'm busy working on three RPGs games which are all connected of course (duh). And I don't know what I'll do after that. Because by the time I'm done with those I'll probably be like, I don't know in my mid twenties haha.

What stands before us
today is a meer foreshadow
of tommorow, fight hard or
die trying.

Heh, I hadnt thought about a racing game done with CS, but that would be rather easy to do (from what I understand of the engine). Hmm...

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I have thought about some games and started to make some of them. I wanted to make a game like the arcade games in the space:P like you are a space ship and you blast away your enemies... And in the other way i tried to make a game in the myst type, but you walk around with the arrow keys 🙂


Originally posted by EVula:
**Heh, I hadnt thought about a racing game done with CS, but that would be rather easy to do (from what I understand of the engine). Hmm...


Except for the fact that there's no inertia system, although you might be able to fake it...

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.
"Logic is futile"-Scott Adams

I was thinking of making a top down racing game, kind of like pod racing with good graphics, the ability to shoot other racers, and have them shoot at you also. For some reason a minature golf game just seemed like it could be fun and easy to create, you could do it 3/4 view or over the top. I also thought some side scrolling platformers would be cool to.

Are there many playable games available other than those ffrom ambrosia?



THere's approxiomately one ; Heart of Fyre


Does anyone know where Heart of Fyre is available?


I found the game heart of fyre, except it's actually called starfield 2. The demo can be found here: (url="http://"")http://www-students....starfield2.html(/url)

