question about TAG Values...

Can you combine tag values/ perform equations with them,

for instance you have the variable PlayerX and PlayerY
i want to numerically offset an object, that will follow the player onscreen all the time.

is it possible,will coldstone recognize, the coordinates: '(&&PlayerX-4;),(&&PlayerY-2;)'
another example:

&&Stamina-;&&MaxMagicPoints;/&&Luck; ??

In low ground, climb.
In desolate ground, run.
In encircled ground, scheme.
In Deathground, you fight!"~~~~Sun Tzu


Originally posted by ellrx:
**Can you combine tag values/ perform equations with them,

is it possible,will coldstone recognize, the coordinates: '(&&PlayerX-4;),(&&PlayerY-2;)'
another example:

&&Stamina-;&&MaxMagicPoints;/&&Luck; ??**

Not in a single event object call, no. You will need to do the math before the object call.

If you can, create a new variable and have just prior to the call your math functions:

NewX = &&PlayerX; 'subtract' 4
NewY = &&PlayerY; 'subtract' 2
Then your map position or whatever object call uses the coords NewX/NewY

Same with your Stamina math (&&Stamina-;&&MaxMagicPoints;/&&Luck;)"

Newstam2 = &&MaxMagicPoints;
Newstam2 = &&gb;_Newstam2 'divide' &&Luck;
Newstam = &&Stamina;
Newstam = Newstam 'subtract' &&gb;_Newstam2

Then use the value of Newstam.

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(url="http://"") now on (url="http://"")

Helpful, but quite unfortunate, however it seems as if this was intentional on Beenox's part...considering the insane amount of syntax related problems that would arise.

In low ground, climb.
In desolate ground, run.
In encircled ground, scheme.
In Deathground, you fight!"~~~~Sun Tzu