Windows and compatibility

I have compiled my game for windoze. This is what happens on windose XP, 98, and 2000. They all get to the main screen and when they click on new game the game just quits giving some sort of error message. anyone else getting the same thing?

plz feedback



What is the error? I used to get an unhandled exception error befor the 1.0.1 patch. Haven't seen it since, tho.

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Originally posted by tony_acuna:
I have compiled my game for windoze. This is what happens on windose XP, 98, and 2000. They all get to the main screen and when they click on new game the game just quits giving some sort of error message. anyone else getting the same thing?

Mr. Tony_Acuna,

Make sure that you are using the updated version of CGE, 1.0.1, as Sanko suggested. Also ensure that the windows users have met the minimum requirements to run the games: DirectX 8.0 or greater, Quicktime 4.0 or greater, and at least 64MB of RAM. If those aren't met then crashes can occur.

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