About selling...

Can you sell the games you make with CGE? I was pretty sure you could, but, Im not positive and I dont wanna get sued or something. I know that Pillars of garendall was sold, but that was created companies. Was PoG sold, 'cuz I thought you could download it for free, but I dont know, I bought the CD... Wait, I'm getting of the subject. 🙂 Thanks-Chrios



Originally posted by Chrios:
Can you sell the games you make with CGE?

Mr. Chrios,

Yes you can sell the games you create. However you must first obtain a license from Ambrosia Software. You can contact them for pricing information at help@ambrosiasw.com. If your game is good enough, and if both of you feel it would be beneficial, Ambrosia can also publish/distribute/market your game for you. Again contact them via e-mail for information regarding this.


Was PoG sold, 'cuz I thought you could download it for free, but I dont know, I bought the CD...

PoG was sold yes. You could download it for free, as well as purchase either the Coldstone CD which had a copy of PoG on it, or the Ambrosia demo CD which contained PoG on it, but this copy was unregistered and had limits on what you could do in it. In order to utilize PoG to its fullest you have to register it.

"But soon, soon, soon... the world will be a better place, with meadows and bunnies and fiber optics in every home..."
- Tom Dowdy, Apple Computer
(url="http://"http://www.avalon.net/~honda/pog/pogwalkthrough2a.htm")PoG Walkthrough and Compendium(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/dl-redirect.pl/PoG_Dev_Tools_Source.sit?path=coldstone/resources&file;=PoG_Dev_Tools_Source.sit")PoG Dev Tools(/url)

Okay thank you. Phew, glad I asked. Thanks again~Chrios


I just re-read the licensing agreement that Andrew posted on the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/webboard/Forum51/HTML/000024.html")Coldstone FAQ(/url) and wanted to clarify my above post. Here is the pertinent information from the FAQ:


Games and plugins created by Coldstone may be distributed non-commercially at no cost; shareware distribution of games and plugins created by Coldstone are likewise free of charge.
Commercial distribution, (defined as requiring the customer to pay before they can obtain your game/plugin), whether online or retail, requires obtaining a license from Ambrosia Software, Inc. Commercial distribution licenses are available at reasonable rates, either flat-fee or royalty-based. Special rates are also available for educational institutions. Please contact help@AmbrosiaSW.com for details.

Thus shareware games(people can download and play your game for free, and they can then decide to pay you to register the copy) you can distribute/charge without the consent of Ambrosia. However if you are going to charge people for the game upfront, then you will need to go through Ambrosia.

I hope this makes things a little more clear.

"But soon, soon, soon... the world will be a better place, with meadows and bunnies and fiber optics in every home..."
- Tom Dowdy, Apple Computer
(url="http://"http://www.avalon.net/~honda/pog/pogwalkthrough2a.htm")PoG Walkthrough and Compendium(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/dl-redirect.pl/PoG_Dev_Tools_Source.sit?path=coldstone/resources&file;=PoG_Dev_Tools_Source.sit")PoG Dev Tools(/url)

Okay, so I can have a demo for my game and then ask people to pay me(without going to Ambriosia)? A demo as in time or features limited? And, if I wanted to be paid up front, no demo, no nothing, Id have to tell ambrosia? ~Chrios


Oh, Yeah, one more thing, what if, when im done with my game, I want ambrosia to publish/distribute/market my game, but have either up front pay or demo? Would I be able to ask them?Thanks,~ Chrios



Originally posted by Chrios:
Okay, so I can have a demo for my game and then ask people to pay me(without going to Ambriosia)? A demo as in time or features limited? And, if I wanted to be paid up front, no demo, no nothing, Id have to tell ambrosia? ~Chrios

As the license is written I would say that your example is mostly correct. If you allow people to download the full version of your game with a lock on it(either time or features), and have them pay you for a registration key to unlock the game, then this is considered shareware and you would not have to purchase a license from Ambrosia.

However, if you just made a very small version of your game that you called a demo, but in order to get the full game(either by download or be CD) they had to pay for it, then I do not believe that is considered Shareware. FOr illustrative purposes, look at games like Myth. They had small demos that only had code for 1 level and let you "taste" the game. But you could not "unlock" the game and continue playing it. If you wanted the game then you had to buy it, either at a store or through the company and they sent you a CD.

I could be wrong but I think the definition of a shareware game is that you can obtain the full coded version of the game for no charge. The game may have registration locks coded within it, but you have the ability to obtain the full game before you play it. Then if you want to unlock it with a registration fee you can.


Oh, Yeah, one more thing, what if, when im done with my game, I want ambrosia to publish/distribute/market my game, but have either up front pay or demo? Would I be able to ask them?

Yes, you can always ask them. Ambrosia primarily publishes shareware games though they can probably talk to you about commercial games as well. Drop them an e-mail. It never hurts to ask and it only takes a few moments to do.

"But soon, soon, soon... the world will be a better place, with meadows and bunnies and fiber optics in every home..."
- Tom Dowdy, Apple Computer
(url="http://"http://www.avalon.net/~honda/pog/pogwalkthrough2a.htm")PoG Walkthrough and Compendium(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/dl-redirect.pl/PoG_Dev_Tools_Source.sit?path=coldstone/resources&file;=PoG_Dev_Tools_Source.sit")PoG Dev Tools(/url)

(This message has been edited by Stark Bledfast (edited 08-19-2002).)

Okay, thank you!I really appreciated it!~thanks again~ Chrios



Originally posted by Stark Bledfast:
**However, if you just made a very small version of your game that you called a demo, but in order to get the full game(either by download or be CD) they had to pay for it, then I do not believe that is considered Shareware. FOr illustrative purposes, look at games like Myth. They had small demos that only had code for 1 level and let you "taste" the game. But you could not "unlock" the game and continue playing it. If you wanted the game then you had to buy it, either at a store or through the company and they sent you a CD.

I hope not, but the license agreement is not very specific.


From the CS License
**Commercial distribution, (defined as requiring the customer to pay before they can obtain your game/plugin), whether online or retail, requires obtaining a license from Ambrosia Software, Inc. Commercial distribution licenses are available at reasonable rates, either flat-fee or royalty-based. Special rates are also available for educational institutions. Please contact help@AmbrosiaSW.com for details.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.
"Logic is futile"-Scott Adams

Okay, I guess that makes sense. Thank you! ~~Chrios
