Possible to do raising stats instead of level?

Is it possible to not raise in level when you kill things but to raise stats? Like,for example, If there is a enemy that is weak but fast, you get +.001 perception(killing 1000 of these enemies raises stats by 1 peception). Or a really strong and undead enemy gives you .01 strength,.1 undead protection , so by killing 100 you get one strength and 10 undead protection? Or by traveling(walking) you get speed and strength after a certain distance? I'm not a very experianced user, so I couldnt even get close to finding a way. I dont want a potion to be dropped or something, I want it immediatly added to stats. If you cant do decimals(.1 undead), can you at least do whole numbers(1 undead)? Please help if you can. Thank you for your time to read this.( I know that that was hard to understand).And thanks again if you can answer.


Oh yeah, and if you cannot understand what i just said above, I'll explain it again if you ask. Thank you! Chrios


Okay, the first thing you will want to do is get rid of EXP. Do this by putting arbitrary but sequential (look them up ;)) numbers in the level fields in the new character class screens. Then set all of the monsters to give 0 EXP. Then, for the fast monster. Have an event on the monster's death that adds one to a global variable, fastmonster or something like that. It will also check if that variable equals 1,000. If it does, have it raise perception and set the global to 0 for more monsters. Simply title the events differently and have different goals for the Undead and Strength values. To answer your other questions, no, CS does not support decimal stats.

And the walking thing would be near impossible to do the way you want. (Picture maps with every tile triggering one of the above events... ugh.) You can emulate this by having a speed raise at major points in the game.

By the way, the ''kill 1,000 enemies for a stat raise" is insane. You'd have to have an absolutely epic game with a large portion of the enemies being the 'fast type' to even get 1 raise. The 100 is more reasonable, if only by a little.

Consider. If passion rules our reasoning, and we are ruled by logic, we are all simply unwitting slaves to emotion, pretending to be greater than what we truly are.

There's an easy solution to the walking thing: In the game keys, make the buttons up, down, left, right, and all of the keypad keys add 1 to the global variable gb_SpeedUp. Also in these keys, make it so that a conditional checks if gb_SpeedUp is equal to 1000 yet. If i does, raise the speed of the character. Also, you might want to make it so that when he does get the skill, a sound plays or a dialogue shows or something, so that they know that it happened. (BTW, you may want to make gb_SpeedUp go up to a fairly large number, because speeds greater than 15 or so are pretty darn fast!)

I'm not laughing at you,
I'm laughing with you in


Originally posted by OgreBob:

And if they use the mouse? Or hold the key down?

(This message has been edited by Celchu (edited 08-18-2002).)

Okay, thanks! As for the stat raise after 1000, that was an exagerrated example. But, the walking thing with holding the button down or clicking,as celchu said, how is that done? Thanks again!Chrios


well, lets see, as far as i know, you can disable mouse control in your game with an engine call. Also, I have tested a theory similar to this in that it does an event every time you take a step...... WAIT that gives me a brilliant idea! Instead of having it on the button, why not put it in the hero's walk animation? I'm sure that you can link events to an animation frame, so why not have it do the event on the last frame of his walk? Just make the event, double click on the frame, choose "Link Event" and then type in the event's name in the blank space. That should do it perfectly. Also, if you wanted, you could make him gain skill every time he attacked or blocked. As for the buttons, I'm pretty sure holding it down counts as a button press, because i did a test where the button made a stamp move on top of the player, and when i held it down, it still moved, now this may be buggy and i only tested it very breifly, but it might work. Oh well, just do the animation. that's probably the best way.

I'm not laughing at you,
I'm laughing with you in

Thanks, this will work!This is great! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!! 🙂 Chrios



Originally posted by Celchu:
And the walking thing would be near impossible to do the way you want. (Picture maps with every tile triggering one of the above events... ugh.) You can emulate this by having a speed raise at major points in the game.

By the way, the ''kill 1,000 enemies for a stat raise" is insane. You'd have to have an absolutely epic game with a large portion of the enemies being the 'fast type' to even get 1 raise. The 100 is more reasonable, if only by a little.


I guess you've never played Baldur's Gate 😛

Getting to the second level required either insane amounts patience, or insane ammounts of cheating. Getting to the third level takes the next 50% of the game, and for some odd reason all of the mage characters are virtually useless until you get them at high levels. I think that was just a really dumb idea for improving game play length, maybe.



Originally posted by Sage Aro:
I guess you've never played Baldur's Gate:p

Mr. Sage Aro,

Remember that Baldur's Gate was not created with Coldstone. I would expect that the engine for Baldur's Gate has a portion of code specificially made for this type of thing. Coldstone was not made to do this. Thus something that can be done in Baldur's Gate might be next to impossible, or outright impossible, with Coldstone Game Engine.

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- Tom Dowdy, Apple Computer
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Yes, Sage Aro, listen to Stark bledfast. And also remember,1000 enemies is a lot to kill for just a few speed or strength points is going to get boring.


And in Balders gate, if it WAS made by Coldstone, a level would be like, +100 everything (another exagerration)so, Balders gate doesnt really mean much, but I saw your point, so dont worry. 🙂 ~Chrios


Would it be possible for it to get harder? Such aS, at 12 strength and 12speed, you would have to walk 2 times as far and kill twice as much enemies as in 6 strength and 6 speed. Im sure you could, but, how? Thanks, ~Chrios



Originally posted by Chrios:
Would it be possible for it to get harder? Such aS, at 12 strength and 12speed, you would have to walk 2 times as far and kill twice as much enemies as in 6 strength and 6 speed. Im sure you could, but, how? Thanks, ~Chrios

Mr. Chrios,

This certainly would be possible. In your event where you incremented the global and checked it for adding the stats, you would simply insert whatever math formula you wanted. So you could check the player's stats and multiply them by whatever constant or variable that you wanted, and if the counter reached that number you would increase the player's stats which would then make the math formula require more movements than before, etc.

Again I'll second Celchu's opinion that this is generally not a good thing to do, as CGE isn't really supportive of this in a good, clean way. But whatever floats your boat. 🙂

"But soon, soon, soon... the world will be a better place, with meadows and bunnies and fiber optics in every home..."
- Tom Dowdy, Apple Computer
(url="http://"http://www.avalon.net/~honda/pog/pogwalkthrough2a.htm")PoG Walkthrough and Compendium(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/dl-redirect.pl/PoG_Dev_Tools_Source.sit?path=coldstone/resources&file;=PoG_Dev_Tools_Source.sit")PoG Dev Tools(/url)

Okay, Thank you! Glad to have that cleared up! Thanks again, ~Chrios


And... Is there a way to make levels and stats raised? I think you could, but, again, how? I have a feeling i missed a simple answer to this while trying to figure it out.



Originally posted by Chrios:
And... Is there a way to make levels and stats raised? I think you could, but, again, how? I have a feeling i missed a simple answer to this while trying to figure it out.

What do you mean by levels and stats raised? If you mean having a way to raise both level and stats by walking around or by killing NPCs but not through experience, then yes using the above methods. In the event that increments your global and then checks that global to increase stats, you can have it increase the player's level as well using the Attribute Wizard(if it has level as an attribute) or the change globals object and specifying the player's level to be changed.

If you want stats to be raised when the player gains a level then this is also easily done. When you define classes there is a skills table where you can insert events that are triggered upon levelling. Just insert your stat raises in there and they will take place when the character gains a level.

"But soon, soon, soon... the world will be a better place, with meadows and bunnies and fiber optics in every home..."
- Tom Dowdy, Apple Computer
(url="http://"http://www.avalon.net/~honda/pog/pogwalkthrough2a.htm")PoG Walkthrough and Compendium(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/dl-redirect.pl/PoG_Dev_Tools_Source.sit?path=coldstone/resources&file;=PoG_Dev_Tools_Source.sit")PoG Dev Tools(/url)

I wanted my player to raise in level when he gets certain stats. Raising in level as in showing a level raised, but no stats raised, because the stats were all ready raised. Thanks~Chrios



Originally posted by Chrios:
I wanted my player to raise in level when he gets certain stats.

Mr. Chrios,

Alright, again this is no problem.

Whatever method you use to raise stats(discussed above), you simply put a conditional into that event to check what the player's stats are. If they get to the point where you want the player to raise a level then use the global change object to raise the player's level.

"But soon, soon, soon... the world will be a better place, with meadows and bunnies and fiber optics in every home..."
- Tom Dowdy, Apple Computer
(url="http://"http://www.avalon.net/~honda/pog/pogwalkthrough2a.htm")PoG Walkthrough and Compendium(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/dl-redirect.pl/PoG_Dev_Tools_Source.sit?path=coldstone/resources&file;=PoG_Dev_Tools_Source.sit")PoG Dev Tools(/url)

Okay, Thank you! Now I can create my game! 🙂 Thanks again, ~~Chrios
