
Thanks to all you people, I have just realised how to do something I have been trying to do for quite some time.

Special thanks to Stark!

I was trying to make my Conjurer be able to conjure up a wall. Now I realise that I could do: Add cell Wall to PlayerY+5 and use change map cell to block that area.



I'm sure that Stark and others greatly appreciate your thanks. However, perhaps you should have posted this in one of your previous help topics and saved those of us with dialup connections from a new topic which is widely considered spam, as it is likely that no one will ever reply to it.

(url="http://"")The Four Mages(/url), an unfinished quest-oriented plug-in for Pillars of Garendall.
If passion rules reason, how can you allow only reason to rule you?
Ā— Cafall

For the record, I too am a dial-up pauper. However, I don't consider smodis' post spam. Sometimes, old posts lose focus and restarting the thread brings us all back to topic. Also, a thank you by itself might be spam (except to the person being thanked) but summing up the "revelation" helps new people to the boards. I have done searches and have found answers to questions before posting (i.e. lowering the spam quotient) but I do not have the desire to go back and read a year's worth of previous posts. And as a final comment, if you are going to play the karma game on a particular bulletin board, thankyous do play a role and encourage people to take the extra time to help the new people, without whom, software becomes vaporware.


P.S. Cafall: I hope all will go better for you soon. You seem very uptight lately. šŸ™‚


You have a good point. Thank you, Apollo, for helping me see the light. šŸ™‚

(url="http://"")The Four Mages(/url), an unfinished quest-oriented plug-in for Pillars of Garendall.
If passion rules reason, how can you allow only reason to rule you?
Ā— Cafall

Carall, I see your point, but this post was not merely a thank you, but also a source of info.
As Apollo said, nobody was likely to see this thank you on one of my older posts, so I made a new one.

Thanks again
