You gotta check this out

I found this handy dandy application while browsing on the net. It is called Crystal Ball Carbon (or Classic, whatever.) It is an application used for AD+D game masters for creating characters and monsters (any D+D-ers must check it out!)
The reason I am mentioning it is:

It's name generator!

Truly amazing. It has like 50 files with culture types (Aztec, African, Old English, etc.) along with races, others, and even Tolkein names.

I know it's not CS, but CHECK IT OUT!


I'd think it's amazing, too, if I could see it. Links, maybe?

"Then you do believe that we are real. You think us capable of not forgiving you. Who would forgive you more readily than your dream?"
"No," the Unbeliever said. "Dreams never forgive."
-Stephen Donaldson,
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever

I'll handle this one smodis...


...there you have it!

It is pretty cool - though a little too much for my needs. 🙂


(This message has been edited by Klatu (edited 08-08-2002).)

Is there instructions for it on the web? I can't figure out what the heck I am supposed to do. :mad:

Be carefree like the
bunny; nibble on grass,
prance through fields.

Thanks Klatu!
Sorry, I thought I provided good enough instructions.
My apoligies.

Mr. PinkFluffyBunny:

Open it up, and then his

It will open up the Name Generator. Choose what type of names you want to generate, and it will give you some.

I forgot this in my old post:

Sorry, but the files that are used by CrystalBall are extremely similar with Coldstone, but not compatible. I tried conversion but it didn't work.


That's ok Smodis. Thanks for the instructions!

Be carefree like the
bunny; nibble on grass,
prance through fields.