Animation Struggles :(

I've got a new problem. I made an opening animation for my game. It's 70 frames long and I assembled it in the animation editor. I placed a flag at the beginning to lock the camera on it and on the last three frames I added flags to fade it out, unlock the camera, kill the animation and unfade. But for some reason, inside the game, it gets about half way through the animation and cuts to the events at the end, so I'm missing a major part of the animation. Can you help me?

-50B3R K3NNy

Well, it could be that the flags were just in beginning and end. but i dont know, really.
Hope I helped, though.


I've no idea why it does it... but you could try spliting the animation up into 2 or 3 shorter ones, then put the last frame of the first part as a link to the next part... MIght work, but i dunno, ive never tried it 😕


"Art is only one 'f' short of what most people's opinions smell like"

I'd have to agree with Chrois on that one. Might be that problem. Sorry if it isn't. 😕

Be carefree like the
bunny; nibble on grass,
prance through fields.