A Posible Side scrolling method.....

I had an idea 4 a side scrolling method. It's almost 1. You have sorta a Yoshi's Story Format where u can only go on the path. Then have no spells or battles(eccept killing enemies and bosses) and don't have an invontory.

Created in the Future by M e t a -Knight in his old age. I was sent to the future to undo the justice Kirby had preformed apon Popstar. I then found a Chao. I named it champ. He acompanied me on my quest. He then had a son named Champ Jr. so the Saga continues.

Oh, really? We could never have figured that out without your wisdom. Thanks for the tip.

If passion rules reason, how can you allow only reason to rule you? Only Celchu knows the answer...
Ā— Cafall

Was that sarcasm? I was just trying to help....no need to be mean..........But if it wasn't thanx. If it was šŸ˜¢

Created in the Future by M e t a -Knight in his old age. I was sent to the future to undo the justice Kirby had preformed apon Popstar. I then found a Chao. I named it champ. He acompanied me on my quest. He then had a son named Champ Jr. so the Saga continues.


Originally posted by MKandChampandChampJr:
**Was that sarcasm? I was just trying to help....no need to be mean..........But if it wasn't thanx. If it was šŸ˜¢


Nah, you're idea generated plenty of... conversation, on #coldstone. You did a very healthy thing for us humorless devs. šŸ˜„

If passion rules reason, how can you allow only reason to rule you? Only Celchu knows the answer...
Ā— Cafall

huh? O_o

Created in the Future by M e t a -Knight in his old age. I was sent to the future to undo the justice Kirby had preformed apon Popstar. I then found a Chao. I named it champ. He acompanied me on my quest. He then had a son named Champ Jr. so the Saga continues.


Originally posted by MKandChampandChampJr:
**huh? O_o


MK, if you're going to post, have something to say. That post was spam.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

Ok, Ok,

Spitfire and cafallll leave MK and his playmates alone. He said sorry and He'll get better with time. (besides neither of you are on topic, look now you made me go for topic!!!)

MK this is not a conversaitinal forum if you want to chat goto the IRC channel #coldstone.

this forum is for CGE dev.

as for a sidescroll game there has already been one built and posted. needs work but is a great start. StarForce or Field or fighter or something. darn cant remember
yah heck use the seach. you'll find it. improve it and get back to us.


now stop it. you all make my head hurt!

Shift Pattern Graphics at (url="http://"http://shiftprint.com")http://shiftprint.com(/url)
See CGE_Tips at:

Must you people be so unconsiderate from me just trying to help? I mean comeb on! Even If you knew that you could at least say thanks 4 trying. I consider that rude! sigh .....I hate humans.........

Created in the Future by M e t a -Knight in his old age. I was sent to the future to undo the justice Kirby had preformed apon Popstar. I then found a Chao. I named it champ. He acompanied me on my quest. He then had a son named Champ Jr. so the Saga continues.

I really meant Posible Adventure Side Scrolling. I wasn't really talking about RPG.

Created in the Future by M e t a -Knight in his old age. I was sent to the future to undo the justice Kirby had preformed apon Popstar. I then found a Chao. I named it champ. He acompanied me on my quest. He then had a son named Champ Jr. so the Saga continues.


Originally posted by MKandChampandChampJr:
**Must you people be so unconsiderate from me just trying to help? I mean comeb on! Even If you knew that you could at least say thanks 4 trying. I consider that rude! sigh .....I hate humans.........


straytoaster was being rude; however, what is conversation in real life is generally spam on a board where no one likes to waste their time. He had a point in that you're conversational posts are unwelcome here; yes, you were trying to be helpful, and I thank you for that, but if you wanted to post an idea like that, you should have given us some technical details of how to implement a side scrolling effect. Anyone could have thought of what you posted in this topic.

straytoaster was also incorrect when he told you to join the #coldstone IRC channel. #coldstone is a bad place for chatting. If you want to chat, join #ev3 on irc.ambrosia.net or #starbucks at irc.starboundmedia.com.

(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/cafall/pog/tfm.html")The Four Mages(/url), an unfinished quest-oriented plug-in for Pillars of Garendall.
If passion rules reason, how can you allow only reason to rule you?
Ā— Cafall


Originally posted by Cafalll:
**straytoaster was being rude; however, what is conversation in real life is generally spam on a board where no one likes to waste their time. He had a point in that you're conversational posts are unwelcome here; yes, you were trying to be helpful, and I thank you for that, but if you wanted to post an idea like that, you should have given us some technical details of how to implement a side scrolling effect. Anyone could have thought of what you posted in this topic.

straytoaster was also incorrect when he told you to join the #coldstone IRC channel. #coldstone is a bad place for chatting. If you want to chat, join #ev3 on irc.ambrosia.net or #starbucks at irc.starboundmedia.com.


at the risk of wasteing even more time with this.

How was I rude? I simple told him to keep the idle chatter to a minamum. oh if thats rude...

now pretending to be from another planet, thats rude, and childish. wasnt there another poster like this a few monthes back that dissappeared . I dont have time to role play with you and your imagenary friends.

what no chat on #coldstone allowed? guess thats why i dont hang there anymore.

Ido agree with Cafalllll in that the orginal post was pointless but if you re-read my last post see i was trying to in your quest to make a side scrolling game

Shift Pattern Graphics at (url="http://"http://shiftprint.com")http://shiftprint.com(/url)
See CGE_Tips at:


Originally posted by straytoaster:
How was I rude? I simple told him to keep the idle chatter to a minamum. oh if thats rude...

I was referring to posts such as:


yah heck use the seach. you'll find it. improve it and get back to us.
now stop it. you all make my head hurt!



now pretending to be from another planet, that's rude, and childish. wasn't there another poster like this a few monthes back that dissappeared. I don't have time to role play with you and your imagenary friends.

I can understand why you would be exasperated with MK, but you don't need to put in stuff like this. You're wasting time you could be using to help your kids play cars. šŸ™‚ But seriously, a simple warning would be enough.


what no chat on #coldstone allowed? guess thats why I don't hang there anymore.

Well, my point was not that you can't chat on #coldstone; but the kind of chat that goes on around #coldstone is too... er... articulate, for him. Plus, none of the ops on #coldstone like him, he'd be kickbanned in a minute.

(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/cafall/pog/tfm.html")The Four Mages(/url), an unfinished quest-oriented plug-in for Pillars of Garendall.
If passion rules reason, how can you allow only reason to rule you?
Ā— Cafall


Originally posted by Cafalll:
**Well, my point was not that you can't chat on #coldstone; but the kind of chat that goes on around #coldstone is too... er... articulate, for him.

This is coming from the guy who obsesses about weasle-men.... But seriously, I'd not kick ban him for just showing up, I'm all about second chances. And I'm the only true op who pops by regularly, anyway, so what I say goes. šŸ˜› And stray, Cafall, let's not bicker about niceties. You have some issues with it too, Cafall, and it's not couth to point fingers. Just a (hopefully :))polite reminder to be civil, everyone.

"Then you do believe that we are real. You think us capable of not forgiving you. Who would forgive you more readily than your dream?"
"No," the Unbeliever said. "Dreams never forgive."
-Stephen Donaldson,
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever

You try to help a person and they snap at u OVER AND OVER! My kids? I'm only 12. I have no kids. Is it even legal 4 kids to get married:P Well, I seriously think he was being EXTREMELY AND UTTERLY RUDE AND NASTEY 4 NO REASON! I think my role-playing is appropriet here because this is a board that talks about an RPG engine....

Created in the Future by M e t a -Knight in his old age. I was sent to the future to undo the justice Kirby had preformed apon Popstar. I then found a Chao. I named it champ. He acompanied me on my quest. He then had a son named Champ Jr. so the Saga continues.


Originally posted by MKandChampandChampJr:
**You try to help a person and they snap at you over and over. My kids? I'm only 12. I have no kids. Is it even legal for kids to get married? Well, I seriously think he was being extremly and utterly rude and nasty for no reason. I think my role-playing is appropriate here because this is a board that talks about an RPG engine.


I agree with your first point, which is why you need to stop acting like this. Observe your post the way I edited it. That is proper format, for this board, not your original. For the future: Capitals come at the beginning of a sentence and at proper names, never anywhere else. Also, numbers as letters are not encouraged.

The kids. That comment was directed at spitfire, not you. And 'he was being... rude..?' Please specify people here, blanket statements will get you nowhere.

Roleplaying, in limited amounts, is fine. But not constantly, and not while discussing the technical side of CS. This has been a public service announcement. Thank you.

"Then you do believe that we are real. You think us capable of not forgiving you. Who would forgive you more readily than your dream?"
"No," the Unbeliever said. "Dreams never forgive."
-Stephen Donaldson,
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever

While we are sort of on the subject anyway, I have noticed that MK keeps getting warnings about spam posts, so I have some advice for him. Look through some of the posts that you have not posted in and take note of how detailed the conversation is. (some of them have a layout of a CS event that is being discussed, for instance) I'm not mad at you, I just want to make sure that you do not get yourself banned.

And don't play dumb, you're not as good at it as I am!


Originally posted by Celchu:
**The kids. That comment was directed at spitfire, not you. And 'he was being... rude..?' Please specify people here, blanket statements will get you nowhere.


I don't have kids either...
I actually believe the comment was directed towards stray, who, if my memory serves me, once said that he was making the decision to post here and help MK rather than help his boy play with cars. I could be wrong.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

confused ?

Created in the Future by M e t a -Knight in his old age. I was sent to the future to undo the justice Kirby had preformed apon Popstar. I then found a Chao. I named it champ. He acompanied me on my quest. He then had a son named Champ Jr. so the Saga continues.

MK, the general idea is that if you want to post somewhere, look around to find out what is going on before you post. For example, if it's some kind of technical topic and you don't know what they're talking about, don't post.
There are many rules to proper behavior in web boards, especially this one. the three most important rules are:

  1. Think before you post.
  2. Don't use numbers as letters or words, and keep exclamation points, question marks and capitals to a reasonable level.
  3. Since I can't think of anything else and since it's so important: Think before you post.

There areother, more subtle rules to CGE forum ettiquete. Since they're hard to explain, and since I can't willingly let them fall into the hands of a mere mortal ;), I'd suggest you stop posting for a while and just look around the board. Look at how people are acting, and what they talk about, and try to pick up some lessons from them. Just remember that this isn't a bunch of teenagers letting their hair down, it's a group of intelligent (or semi-intelligent, in the case of Celchu šŸ˜› ) people discussing something they enjoy. We'll make a few playful jabs at each other, but we're all friends here (hopefully). šŸ™‚

(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/cafall/pog/tfm.html")The Four Mages(/url), an unfinished quest-oriented plug-in for Pillars of Garendall.
If passion rules reason, how can you allow only reason to rule you?
Ā— Cafall