I got some capablity question

I hope to make a RPG with side-scolling dungeons (ala Castlevania: Symphony of the Night). Can someone tell me if this is possible with coldstone, and if so, how tough it would be. Also, can Coldstone use gamepads? Finally, can it use animated backgounds? Thanks to anyone who can help me with these questions.

The vampire squid from
hell is real, and there
is more than one.
Mwahahaha... oh, sorry,

Coldstone is a top-down gaming engine. If you are really tricky you could make one appear side scrolling. I think there is another topic about the animations but i forget what it said. No idea about the gamepad.

Hey all you Democrats, guess who won!


Originally posted by Vampire Squid:
**I hope to make a RPG with side-scolling dungeons (ala Castlevania: Symphony of the Night). Can someone tell me if this is possible with coldstone, and if so, how tough it would be. Also, can Coldstone use gamepads? Finally, can it use animated backgounds? Thanks to anyone who can help me with these questions.

That's the style of game I wanted. It sounds good. Side-scroller RPGs besides Castlevania are kind of rare however. Still, it's a good idea.

"Soppy?!?! That's an insult!"
"Life sucks no matter what, why not we all just worship absurdity?"

I think you would have to force Coldstone do to something it wasn't suited to do, but I see a possibility of making side scrollers with Coldstone......I can conceive of several ways to accomplish this, I'm too tired to explain them now though 😛


Yeah, you could definitely hack a side scrolling game with Coldstone, but I don't know how hard it would be.

"Bond, GlueBubble Bond."

Why would you want to though? Other than having those dreamy layered backgrounds....droooool...

Your Cleave <<| |@_#&!!cruSICfies!!?_| |>> the addictive MUD!

ooh that sounds complicated

"Do you expect me to talk?"
"Why no Mr. Bond! I expect you to die!"

Just make it yoshi's story style where u can only go on a marked path. It's not exacly but the only problem is u'd have to do it on an angle.

Created in the Future by M e t a -Knight in his old age. I was sent to the future to undo the justice Kirby had preformed apon Popstar. I then found a Chao. I named it champ. He acompanied me on my quest. He then had a son named Champ Jr. so the Saga continues.


Originally posted by MKandChampandChampJr:
**Just make it yoshi's story style where u can only go on a marked path. It's not exacly but the only problem is u'd have to do it on an angle.


When we say to use the search feature, this is not what we want to happen. MK, by any chance did you notice that this topic is 2 years old?That's ancient by the standards of these boards. Never do this again, please.

"Then you do believe that we are real. You think us capable of not forgiving you. Who would forgive you more readily than your dream?"
"No," the Unbeliever said. "Dreams never forgive."
-Stephen Donaldson,
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever

The hard part about side scrollers is the jumping. (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/search.cgi")There are numerous past threads that discuss this issue, however.(/url)

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.


Also, can Coldstone use gamepads?

Nobody answered this, so I'll do it - yes you can use gamepads. but when attacking another player with a short range weapon (i.e. sword or fists) it can become a pain.

But it does work.



Originally posted by Klatu:
**Nobody answered this, so I'll do it - yes you can use gamepads. but when attacking another player with a short range weapon (i.e. sword or fists) it can become a pain.

But it does work.


Vampire squid is no longer with us. Be he dead of bored, he doesn't care about game pads anymore. Please everyone, let's let this topic die, okay?

(This message has been edited by Celchu (edited 08-02-2002).)