Plug-ins for developers use only?

I was just curious - having not fooled around with this before - if I don't include the plugin.dat (or whatever the name is) file with my game does that not let just anyone develop a plug-in for my game except myself.

Basically, I was thinking about developing a game and keeping the ability for developing a pulgin to myself - in case I did finally see something I could add later on after its release.

Thanks for your replies!



Originally posted by Klatu:
**I was just curious - having not fooled around with this before - if I don't include the plugin.dat (or whatever the name is) file with my game does that not let just anyone develop a plug-in for my game except myself.

If you don't include the "Plugin data.txt", then no one can develop plug-ins, including yourself. 🙂
(edit-oops, its "Plugin data.txt")

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

(This message has been edited by spitfire (edited 07-30-2002).)

Klatu - Page 78 of the manual explains that there is an option in the Game Options menu that allows you to select whether or not you want to allow plugin development and exactly how much you do want to allow if you chooe to do so.

Just pimpin' my (url="http://"")fishing skills(/url) and (url="http://"")other stuff(/url)


Originally posted by dampeoples:
Klatu - Page 78 of the manual explains that there is an option in the Game Options menu that allows you to select whether or not you want to allow plugin development and exactly how much you do want to allow if you chooe to do so.

Yep, exactly.

Plus, since you have the source code, if you want to compile 2 versions of your game, say a "gamers package" which is just the game, and then a "developers package" that includes features such as plug-in development, you can do this. Then you just upload the gamers package to the consumers, and when you want to make a plug-in you have your developers version lying around. This is also helpful if you find a few trustworthy individuals that you want developing plug-ins for you. All you have to do is ship them your developers package and they are all set.

Good luck.

"But soon, soon, soon... the world will be a better place, with meadows and bunnies and fiber optics in every home..."
- Tom Dowdy, Apple Computer


Plus, since you have the source code, if you want to compile 2 versions of your game, say a "gamers package" which is just the game, and then a "developers package" that includes features such as plug-in development, you can do this. Then you just upload the gamers package to the consumers, and when you want to make a plug-in you have your developers version lying around. This is also helpful if you find a few trustworthy individuals that you want developing plug-ins for you. All you have to do is ship them your developers package and they are all set.

Ah, yes! I knew about page 78, but I wasn't aware about doing the developers package thing!


If you don't include the "Plugin data.txt", then no one can develop plug-ins, including yourself.

As far as me myself not being able to develop plugins myself - I will keep the Plugin data.txt (yeah - I knew I spelled it wrong! 🙂 ) file, I just won't send it out with the game, so that whenever I have a plugin I just send a folder titled "plugins" and the the actual plug inside and just have the player drop that into the game folder.

That's what i was getting at - I just didn't know how to word it.

Thanks for the help!
