
I know this is a stupid questipn but What exactaly is RPG? I know it stands for Rold Playing Game but how can you tell an RPG game from another game?



Originally posted by MKandChampandChampJr:
I know this is a stupid questipn but What exactaly is RPG? I know it stands for Rold Playing Game but how can you tell an RPG game from another game?

A role-playing game, or RPG, places you the player into a world where your character becomes more or less an extension of you, and you are able to live vicariously through your character. RPG's typically are heavily story-oriented where it draws the player in.

We differentiate RPG's in this way, to quickly tell the difference between this style and say a strategy-based game such as command and conquer, or a shooter game like quake.

Thee are cross-overs as well, such as Marathon, which is a 1st person shooter yet has an involved story and places you into the action as the last remaining cyborg juggernaut who doesn't know who or what he is.

But in reality RPG is just a label for quick identification of the game's main "style."

"But soon, soon, soon... the world will be a better place, with meadows and bunnies and fiber optics in every home..."
- Tom Dowdy, Apple Computer

Cool, thanx


Thank you Stark Bledfast for spoiling MArathon for me.
Here's a spoiler for you: GANDALF IS NOT DEAD !!!!!!!!



Is that a good thing?


It depends on whether you're Sauron or Frodo.

"Are you a story-teller, Thomas Covenant?"
"I was, once."
"And you gave it up? That is as sad a tale in three words as any you might have told me. But a life without a tale is like a sea without salt. How do you live?"
-Stephen Donaldson




Originally posted by MKandChampandChampJr:

Mr. MKandChampandChampJr,

Please calm down, and try to consolidate your posts.

Celchu was merely replying to your post asking if -LethaLGraphiX-'s posting of "Gandalf is not dead!" was a good thing or not. His reply was related to the fantasy world created by Tolkein. If you are unfamiliar with this world then you will not understand the quip. You can read the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy if you wish to understand it.

"But soon, soon, soon... the world will be a better place, with meadows and bunnies and fiber optics in every home..."
- Tom Dowdy, Apple Computer

Sorry. Please Call me MK. If you saw my profile u would know that Champ and Champ Jr. are my chao.

Created in the Future byb **** -Knight in his old age. I was sent to the future to undo the justice Kirby had preformed apon Popstar. I then found a Chao. I named it champ. He acompanied me on my quest. He then had a son named Champ Jr. so the Saga continues.

Mr MK, i'm sorry if we confused you.

I think the reason is that you are very young, and some of us are getting old.
I'm only 24 years and i have no idea what a chao is, or what the difference is between Digimon and Pokemon -although I do know jessie 😉 .

I used to spend my time readign books and watching ancient cartoons, like masters of the universe and GI-joe, Mask...

Some of the books i used to read have been made into movies, like 'Lord of the Rings', and 'The Neverending Story' others are still books 🙂

We old people like to make jokes about those books and tv series, so if there is anything you don't understand, just ignore us -
When you grow old you'll be making jokes about digimon, and young people won't understand you 🙂



Originally posted by -LethaLGraphiX-:
I used to spend my time readign books and watching ancient cartoons, like masters of the universe and GI-joe, Mask...

I remember when "Greyskull of Power the By!" was a clever way for Prince Adam to turn into He-Man because Skeletor had somehow(I don't remember) made the magic of greyskull flow backwards or something.

Ok, I just proved my age, I'll be quiet now. 😛

"But soon, soon, soon... the world will be a better place, with meadows and bunnies and fiber optics in every home..."
- Tom Dowdy, Apple Computer

Due to too frequent alcohol abuse in my later life, all I remember is Skeletor drooling a lot, wich led me to believe that drooling was scary 🙂
Anybody remember JEM?


(quote)Originally posted by -LethaLGraphiX-:
**Due to too frequent alcohol abuse in my later life, all I remember is Skeletor drooling a lot, wich led me to believe that drooling was scary:)

"I know the stranger's name."

By jove! You're ancient!



Originally posted by Commander Arashi:
Children, I grew up on Astro-Boy.:)

Heh, never heard of that, but then I'm not much into anime(or at least, I wasn't back then).

Batman and Robin(West & Ward), you bet. Speedy Gonzales(andale! andale! arriba! arriba!) was a blast. Hmm... oh yeah, and who could forget, "Mighty Mouse is on the way! Here I come to save the day!"

Oh yeah, reminiscing. All we need now is a set of rocking chairs and a few full pints to drain away the hours...

"But soon, soon, soon... the world will be a better place, with meadows and bunnies and fiber optics in every home..."
- Tom Dowdy, Apple Computer

::girded in a cloak of stars, the apparition rises, turns, a slight gilded shimmer twinkles::
He is here...

R U serious...? You You with the long name, MortalKombat Kid jr.

read the faq ( Frequently Asked Questions ) over at (url="http://"http://www.beenox.com")www.beenox.com(/url)
they are the creators/developers of ColdStone, there is a large wealth of basic
information which you seem to be in honest default. and while you're at it i think there's an ettiquette link around here some here some where, or at least go to the board guidelines, which you obviously skipped ...

Newbies appear in aflash of light, vulnerable,scared,frantic,alone and hyper...and they're numbers are growing,
which by the ways is great but not when you go willy nuilly posting 5 new posts in a matter of minutes, just ask one big hey i know absolutely nothing teach me please, which will be responded to by either some one who is wise, or a neonatal memeber them selves,who will finish every sentence with "I think"

::un sheaths gilded topic slaying club, svagely shreds it's fiber to a bloddy pile, squints, shakes the meat from his club, turns dissapates::
He is gone...

...go fall on something sharp.


Originally posted by chill_rx:

Mr. Chill_rx,

Relax. If you haven't read this whole thread, please do so. You will notice that I already asked Mr. MK to calm down a bit and to start consolidating his posts, as he has gone a bit hog wild. Mr. -LethaLGraphiX- also pointed out that MK is young, and MK appologized for his exuberance. The matter should be let go.

My personal feeling is that we should help new people to the boards learn to become better posters, rather than yell at them or dismiss them out of hand. Some of them just might make contributions that we would otherwise lose if we simply run them off with rudeness.

Something to think about.


(edit) Fixed a bad typo. Bad typo! (/edit)
"But soon, soon, soon... the world will be a better place, with meadows and bunnies and fiber optics in every home..."
- Tom Dowdy, Apple Computer

(This message has been edited by Stark Bledfast (edited 07-25-2002).)

Stark is right. You're welcome here MK 🙂


Lethal, when did Digimon come up? A Chao is a little...thing that you raise on Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2. Any Sonic Fan would know that. If I can put an arvatar on my posts I could show everyone what a Chao is. I have sprites of me, Champ, and Champ Jr.

Created in the Future byb **** -Knight in his old age. I was sent to the future to undo the justice Kirby had preformed apon Popstar. I then found a Chao. I named it champ. He acompanied me on my quest. He then had a son named Champ Jr. so the Saga continues.

Astro Boy? O_o WTF?

Created in the Future byb **** -Knight in his old age. I was sent to the future to undo the justice Kirby had preformed apon Popstar. I then found a Chao. I named it champ. He acompanied me on my quest. He then had a son named Champ Jr. so the Saga continues.