I'd just like to say thanks

I know this is SPAM but I justc want to say thanks for everything. You've all made me feel so welcome. The last board I went to everyone make fun of me and banned me.........it was painful... :frown:
Well, thanks.

Created in the Future by **** -Knight in his old age. I was sent to the future to undo the justice Kirby had preformed apon Popstar. I then found a Chao. I named it champ. He acompanied me on my quest. He then had a son named Champ Jr. so the Saga continues.

No problem, just don't be afraid to ask stupid questions, I promise I won't laugh at them. But if you don't ask stupid questions, you won't learn anything useful. (or anything at all for that matter) Have fun developing games! 🙂

And don't play dumb, you're not as good at it as I am!

Thanks, I will. I'm working on1 now. The tutorial isn't clear though........The 1 I'm TRYING to make is called Journey of the Dark Sorcerer

Created in the Future by **** -Knight in his old age. I was sent to the future to undo the justice Kirby had preformed apon Popstar. I then found a Chao. I named it champ. He acompanied me on my quest. He then had a son named Champ Jr. so the Saga continues.