Racing Azeraths???

Sorry guys for coming to you with every stinkin one of my problems, but, I got another one. :frown:
In my RPG, I made an area where you can race (race Azeraths that is, you know, those blueish lion things) anyway, so you turn into one and your speed greatly increases and stuff. I made the other racers be NPCs that try to get to a specific map cell. There's four other racers and 4 different NPCs for each of the racers, so, when an NPC reaches it's desired map cell, it removes it, then creates another NPC that looks exactly the same but goes to another map cell. This works good, except that at the 2nd or 3rd corner, they all bunch up and dont move, they get stuck in big clumps hopelessly with no chance of getting out, so you are left running the race while they just sit there in a huge Azerath spagetti. Anyone got any ideas?

I'm not laughing at you,
I'm laughing with you in


Originally posted by OgreBob:
This works good, except that at the 2nd or 3rd corner, they all bunch up and dont move, they get stuck in big clumps hopelessly with no chance of getting out, so you are left running the race while they just sit there in a huge Azerath spagetti. Anyone got any ideas?

What do they do? Arrive all together? Probably the problem disappears if you use smaller creatures.



PS: BTW "Spaghetti" (being an italian, you know...)


Make them go to different map cells, this sounds like you have them all on the same one for that leg.

"Are you a story-teller, Thomas Covenant?"
"I was, once."
"And you gave it up? That is as sad a tale in three words as any you might have told me. But a life without a tale is like a sea without salt. How do you live?"
-Stephen Donaldson

awww man, i already have 4 azeraths, now i need 16 different NPC's for a 2 minute race. O well... also, is there a way to do an action on the hero's death, like go to a screen... just like in PoG? I had a great Idea for a death scene.

I'm not laughing at you,
I'm laughing with you in

HHHMMM....i have no idea, i think u can....well...actually i dunno, but i'm looking foward to an answer 🙂



Originally posted by Ogre Bob:
also, is there a way to do an action on the hero's death, like go to a screen... just like in PoG?

One solution is to go to a main location with a key down event to go to the main screen, along with having the whole screen being clickable. Just put a teleport event in the endgame event. If you can't make a local key down event, make a global, than make an event with a conditional that says if the global is 1, than it will teleport to the main screen and set that global to 0. Then link it to the return key in a global key down event. Also, if you use a global key down, make sure to change the global to 1 after the teleport in the endgame event. Or you can just use a picture in a dialogue if you can (a bit more easy :)).
