Another Training Question

I am starting to test the demo version of my game, and in the training mode I mentioned in the post, "A Training Question", the hostile NPCs are not supposed to deal damage to the player, but they do. I have set the min/max damage to zero and the strength to zero, but they always deal 1 damage. I then set the NPCs to deal a certain type of damage and give the players class full resistance to it, but the same thing happens! I am running out of options fast, I need help!

I think the surest sign of intelligent life in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.

One idea is you can have a local event that is on every tile on the map that checks to see whether or not you have completed the training, and, if you haven't, it automatically sets your stamina to the max, but the damage numbers will still appear (however, those could be used to see whether or not you were hit during training).



Originally posted by BryceCubed:

Trying setting their DEX really low; you can't hurt what you can't touch. Unless of course, this is the same situation you mentioned in the other one, where you want the enemies to have a weapon that casts a spell upon hit. In which case I have no idea.

"... For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil must give us pause..." - Willaim Shakespeare, Hamlet


Originally posted by Celchu:
**Trying setting their DEX really low; you can't hurt what you can't touch. Unless of course, this is the same situation you mentioned in the other one, where you want the enemies to have a weapon that casts a spell upon hit. In which case I have no idea.


I have an idea: make the spell cast upon missing.

The greatest of harm can result from the best of intentions — Wizard's Second Rule, Stone of Tears.
— Cafall